Clone High Wiki
Clone High Wiki
You know how I feel about conflict. I'm against it!
- Abe

Abraham "Abe" Lincoln is the main protagonist of Clone High. He is the 16-year-old clone of the 16th president of the United States. Like his original counterpart, Abe is known for his honesty and great leadership. Ironically, Abe himself is frequently mislead, believing his ex-girlfriend Cleo to be a true friend, even though she treated him horribly and only loved him for his popularity.

Abe's first true friends are Joan of Arc and Gandhi, though he doesn't seem to differentiate them from the popular crowd. Abe is a nice guy, but being a growing teenager, he is confused and struggles with trying to find out who he is in relation to the real Abraham Lincoln. His guiding light is his original clone father, who he tries to follow in the footsteps of. He eventually realized he is in love with Joan by the finale of the first season. After being frozen for 20 years in the Season 1 finale, he has a hard time adjusting to the present, but manages to make friends with Confucius and even his former rival JFK, as well as a frenemy in Topher Bus.

He is voiced by Will Forte.


Abe is an awkward, kind, shy, and naive teenager. He is generally a nobody among his classmates who is in love with the hottest girl at school, Cleopatra. He hangs out with Joan of Arc and Gandhi, who are also outcasts. Although he does get general respect from his classmates, they hardly ever acknowledge his presence.

Description on Site[]

Take that tall, awkward, skinny kid you went to high school with, throw in the DNA of the 16th President of the United States, stir gently, and salt to taste. That's our Abe. While the original Abraham Lincoln spent his time freeing the slaves and preserving the Union, this Abe is dealing with issues just as important to him, like being popular and getting a date for the Late Fall-Early Winter Pre-Exam Prom. Abe is ambitious just like his "clonefather", but his number one goal is winning the affection of the sexy and beguiling Cleopatra. So smitten is Abe with Cleo, that he's oblivious to the infatuation of his good friend Joan of Arc. Abe would love to be like his clonefather, but he has a long way to go. And with his lifelong chum Gandhi feeding him plenty of bad advice, he has an even longer way to go.

Season 1[]

The first season follows Abe through his Junior year. On his first day of school, shown in "Escape to Beer Mountain: A Rope of Sand", Abe mentioned how he was taller and had longer sideburns, in contrast to his Sophomore year. Something about his second year must have been less than satisfactory, as on the first day of Junior year, Abe optimistically said "This year's gunna be different." This would be the first of many promises for the year. Second, would be Abe vowing to start dating. The girl in mind was queen bee, Cleopatra, and with her being the most popular girl in school and him being an unimportant nobody, he had a long way to go. His chance at getting into the cool crowd was to drop the honesty and niceness, and buy some beer for JFK's upcoming party, which Cleo would be attending. Abe, Gandhi, and Genghis Khan worked together to get some beer, but on account of Genghis' incompetence, they had to settle for non-alcoholic beer. Abe told everyone that it was alcoholic, which quickly scored him some points with Cleo. The two quickly hit it off and kissed for the first time, earning Abe the envy of JFK, who was dating her previously. The cops then busted into the party and were about to arrest Abe. Abe was put between a rock and a hard place, but decided to choose to tell the sheriff, and everyone around him that the beer was non-alcoholic. Abe was let off the hook, at the expense of losing his popularity. Fortunately for him, at this very time, Gandhi became the new laughing stock of the school, when Van Gogh told everyone about his his tiny penis, redirecting the humiliation to him. On top of that, Cleo proved to still think he was cool, allowing for Abe to call his endeavor a win.

In "Episode Two: Election Blu-Galoo", Abe ran against JFK for school president, so he could put his presidential abilities to the test. At first, Abe did exactly what the Original Abraham Lincoln did, but after seeing everyone cared more about JFK’s speech, Abe chose to team up with a marketing team, The X-Stream Blu Crew to help promote his presidential campaign, while also promoting their product. Abe rose to the top of the ranks with this marketing scheme and forgot what being class president was really all about. Joan helps JFK make a slander video about Abe, but it just makes him want to work harder for his marketing and presidential campaign. However, after seeing how horrible X-Stream Blu really was, in that it made Gandhi nearly die of malnutrition, he turned on his marketing team and sacrificed his own chances of becoming school president in favor of doing the right thing. Even though Joan tried to save his presidency, (and temporarily did so, thanks to Clone High’s official voting system, the Applause-o-Meter,) the presidency eventually went to a dog instead, because the crowd cheered for it more than Abe.

In "A.D.D.: The Last D is for Disorder", Abe is torn between upholding his lifelong friendship with Gandhi and working to kissing booth at the Awareness Fair to get closer to Cleopatra, due to the latter forbidding him to hang out with Gandhi anymore, on account of his A.D.D. After seeing how horribly Gandhi was being treated, Abe finally decided to ditch the kissing booth and disobey Cleo, in favor of helping his friend. Abe and Gandhi publicly made out with each other in front of everybody and Abe let everybody know that he didn't want Gandhi to keep getting disrespected or else their awareness fair would become an awareness unfair.

In "Film Fest: Tears of a Clone", Abe hosted the film fest and made a film called "It Takes a Hero" about a little girl who got impregnated by a football playing giraffe, who was also an alien for some reason. Abe thought his film was brilliant and was emotionally moved by his own work, while everybody else thought it was terrible.

In "Sleep of Faith: La Ru D'Awakening", Abe and Cleo went on their first date and Cleo asked Abe to help her study for the upcoming PXJT test, saying that if he helps her, she'll have sex with him. Abe deprives himself of sleep for days just so that he could help Cleo study for the PJXTs, hoping that if he helps her pass, she'll have sex with him. Concerned for his well-being, Joan and Gandhi tried to convince Abe to kick his addiction to sleep deprivation as though they were talking about drugs, but Abe ignored them, telling them "I'll sleep when I die!" Cleo didn't retain a single thing from the studying and Abe didn't get the sex he was promised. On the day of the test, Abe fell asleep in the middle of class and failed the test. Abe was extremely upset with Cleo because of this and didn't want to talk to her anymore. At this time, Abe was challenged to a drag race with JFK. During the drag race, JFK got into a car accident, incapacitating him and while this happened, Abe finally decided to get some sleep in the middle of the race. He parked the car and slept overnight. The following day, he woke up and drove to the finish line, winning the race with JFK still lying down in his car wreck, severely injured.

In "Homecoming: A Shot in D'Arc", Abe was the team captain of the school basketball team, which was going to be pitted against GESH High School in a big game. Abe also had a Letterman Jacket, which he planned on giving to Cleo at the homecoming prom, which made Joan jealous. Joan joined the basketball team, pretending to be a guy named "John Dark" and quickly gained the affection of Cleo, making Abe jealous of Joan, right back. Abe confronted "John" and told him to stay away from Cleo. John asked Abe if he'd ever consider dating Joan of Arc, which Abe thought positively of for a second before coming to the conclusion that this was just one of John's tactics to keep him away from Cleo. Abe's ire for John only grew stronger when Principal Scudworth revoked his status as team captain and gave it to John. On the night of the actual game, Abe found himself sucking at basketball on the court and realized he was actually wrong about John and passed the ball to him. It was at this moment, John revealed he was actually Joan. Abe was mad at Joan for how she messed up the game by sneaking in and ended up forgetting what he was saying, when he talked his way through a strange mixed metaphor. proving that girls could play basketball too. This was against the rules and Principal Scudworth demanded Joan be kicked off the team so that Abe could take over as team captain but Abe still refused and had Joan play, so that she could score the winning shot. Joan may have scored the winning shot but Abe received all the credit, as he was the one who gave her the pep talk she needed to score said shot. This got Cleo to fall back in love with Abe again, leaving Joan sad and unloved once again.

In "Plane Crazy: Gate Expectations", Abe prepared for his first kiss with Cleo (besides the kiss the already had in the first episode) but it needed to be absolutely perfect, as per Cleo's request. Abe's plans to kiss her were put on hiatus, when Cleo got accepted into Ashley Angel From O-Town's Spring Break Dance Academy as a background dancer, which would require her to go to Canada for the spring. Before Cleo left, Abe chased her down at the airport and begged her to take his letterman jacket with her, which Cleo promised to wear to symbolize their ongoing love. Abe watched Cleo on TV and saw Cleo grinding up on Ashley Angel and he was pissed off, not about her grinding up on Ashley, but just because she wasn't wearing the letterman's jacket. Abe called her up on the phone in anger and dumped her. Abe would later realize that Cleo was wearing the letterman's jacket after all, (just around her neck as a necklace, since it shrunk in the wash) and he chased her down at another airport to apologize. Cleo forgave him and they had their first kiss as boyfriend and girlfriend and it was perfect.

In "A Room of One's Clone: The Pie of the Storm", Abe takes up a passion for conflict resolution, like the Original Abraham Lincoln but fails to solve the conflict between Joan and Cleo having to share the same house together. Their battle ended up representing the civil war, with Abe serving the same role as himself. After riding Mr. Lincoln's Mild Ride at Unspecified Rodent Themed Amusement Park, Abe learned the famous "house divided" speech that the original Abraham Lincoln used during the civil war and ended up using it later to resolve not just Joan and Cleo's conflict, but all of the other conflicts going on, such as JFK and Gandhi's conflict, Scudworth and Colonel Principal's conflict, and Mr. Butlertron and E Cybo-Pooch's conflict.

In "Raisin the Stakes: A Rock Opera in Three Acts", Abe got peer pressured by Cleo, JFK, and many of the other popular kids into smoking raisins, making him compromise his principles of being anti-drugs. Abe got so high that he started hallucinating a psychedelic world of rainbows and flowers, where he became a spiritual leader named "Captain Lavender", who led all of the other raisin-smoking hippies in starting a new age of peace and love. Abe's plans for a new world were being thwarted by Principal Scudworth, who banned raisins and built a fence to keep out all drug dealers. Abe led his hippie army to war with Scudworth, which led to him getting severely injured and knocked out cold, where he had an out-of-body experience and met with the spirit of The Original Abraham Lincoln. OG Abe told Clone Abe that he was being enslaved by the brainwashing raisins and that he should change his ways to oppose the devil's fruits and free up the rest of the kids. Abe awoken, now fully sober, and followed his clonefather's orders to end smoking raisins, helping to free up the other hippies and return the world to normal.

In "Litter Kills: Litterally", Abe tried to make his next move on Cleopatra but JFK kept getting in the way, still jealous of his ex for going out with Abe. Things only got even worse for Abe when JFK's best friend Ponce de León was killed by litter, breaking JFK's heart and making him feel so miserable all the time, leading Cleo to spend tons of time with JFK, comforting him and leaving Abe neglected. Abe got pissed off with JFK and Cleo and had a few public freakouts over it. Joan told Abe that he was being insensitive, since JFK was mourning over the death of his friend and that he should really apologize. Abe went down to the thinking docks and told JFK he was sorry about how he'd been acting and helped comfort him in his time of grief. This helped Abe and JFK to bond as friends and finally put their differences aside. Abe also promoted cleaning all the litter off the grounds of the schoolyard, so that Ponce's death wouldn't be in vain.

In "Snowflake Day: A Very Special Holiday Special", Abe thought of getting Cleo the perfect gift for Snowflake Day and worked as a dishwasher at T.G.I. Chili's to save up for buying her something expensive. At his job, Abe and Gandhi thought they needed a better way of making money and brainstormed the million dollar idea of a Knork (a combination of a knife and a fork). Abe and Gandhi went all out with building this knork and went so overboard with its creation, to the point where it became a needlessly convoluted contraption that was way more trouble than it was worth. Because of their poor and ridiculous design, knorks didn't sell the way they expected and Abe had to throw out all the knorks in the garbage. It was then he received some wise advice from Mandy Moore, that he should instead give Cleo a present that comes from the heart. Abe spent that night lovingly handcrafting her a scrapbook of all their memories together. That Snowflake Day, Abe gave Cleo her present at the gift exchange and Cleo hated it, saying that it wasn't expensive and superficial enough. Nevertheless, Cleo gave Abe his present, which was a knork that she fished out of the garbage for him. Abe was fuming at Cleo for giving him such a disrespectful gift, knowing she got it out of the trash. Their argument was soon interrupted by Joan coming in and telling everyone how she learned the true meaning of Snowflake Day, which was all about friendship and not material objects. This got Abe and Cleo to forgive each other for the holidays. Abe was also rewarded by Cleo letting him touch her left boob, who he named "Poncho".

In "Makeover Makeover Makeover: the Makeover Episode", Abe was ready to take Cleo to the upcoming winter prom, where he was promised to have sex with her. However, Abe dedicated all his time to helping Joan get ready for prom, giving her a makeover, and helping put out fliers for her to get a date. Because he spent so much time on Joan, he ended up completely neglecting his own girlfriend, Cleo and never gave her a proper promposal. Eventually, Abe finally got around to giving Cleo the promposal she deserved, complete with a bunch of overly elaborate things like fireworks, unicycles, parachutes, tigers, flamingos, whales, and dolphins.

In "Changes: The Big Prom: The Sex Romp: The Season Finale", Abe went to the winter prom with Cleopatra but found himself focusing more on Joan, who was at the dance with JFK. As Cleo finally took Abe back into one of the "private suites" to have sex with him, Abe started to come to the realization that he wasn't in love with her and was actually in love with Joan. This all came out when Abe was about to have sex with Cleo and ended up saying Joan's name, much to Cleo's shock and horror. Abe ran up to Gandhi and told him everything and Gandhi was just surprised it took Abe this long to figure it out. Abe ran down to the suite where Joan was so that he could finally profess his feelings for her, only to walk in on her having sex with JFK. Just as this happened, Principal Scudworth led The Secret Board of Shadowy Figures and all of the other clones into the same room they were in, which just so happened to be a flash freezer and he cryogenically froze them all, leaving the original series on a cliffhanger.

Season 2[]

In "Let's Try This Again", Abe, along with all the other clones, (except Gandhi) was finally defrosted after 20 years and re-introduced to Clone High High School, which was now populated by an entire second generation of clones, living in the year 2023. Abe found himself pining after Joan and pursuing her romantically, only for him to be ignored and overshadowed by Joan's new boyfriend, JFK, making for a complete role reversal of their previous dynamic. Abe had a rough introduction to the new era, dealing with some culture shock with the way social customs have changed with time. Abe would use outdated dialogue like using terms such as "spaz" and "gay" as insults. This got him in huge trouble with the woke crowd and led to him getting sentenced to the Cancelled Corner, making him into a social outcast. Abe apologized for everything he did by cutting up his fingers with his notebook pages and allowing everybody who hates him to pour hot wing sauce into his paper cuts.

In "Sleepover", Abe wanted to find Joan and show her his new lighthouse impression, where he would spin his head around in circles and shoot beams of light out of his eyes and mouth. However, Joan was avoiding Abe after a wet dream she had about him in math class. In the absence of Joan and Gandhi, Abe had no one else to turn to for friendship so he became friends with Topher Bus and went over to his house for a sleepover. Abe was shocked at just how much of a monster Topher was, when he got into a flame way with JFK on FlipFlop and said a bunch of horrible offensive things to him. Abe was so disgusted by Topher's behavior, that he left the sleepover early and went back home.

In "Anxious Times at Clone High", Abe became riddled with anxiety over Joan and JFK being boyfriend and girlfriend. He worried that he would never get to become Joan's boyfriend and went into a worst-case-scenario mindset, where Joan and JFK stayed together forever, while he grew old and died single and alone. All of this stress and anxiety made Abe one of the primary targets of the Heebie Jeebie, a monster who would feed off of his stress and discomfort. Abe turned to Frida Kahlo for help on reducing stress. Frida took Abe to her house to take a nice relaxing bath. However, things got horrifying when the Heebie Jeebie broke into the house and flooded their bathtub with blood and exploding stress balls, sending them skateboarding off to school in terror. Abe and Frida joined the rest of the students, who were also being tormented by the Heebie Jeebie and they defeated him by facing their fears and admitting to what it is they were stressed out about. When the Heebie Jeebie was defeated, it turned out to just be Ian Ziering in disguise, teaching them all a lesson about learning the importance of mental health.

In "The Crown: Joancoming: It’s a Cleo, Cleo, Cleo, Cleo World", Abe became brainwashed by Cleopatra, using her Stone of Eternal Servitude, which turned him into one of her mindless slaves. He would wear a crop top and gaucho pants and start acting like a stereotypical flamboyant homosexual. Joan teamed up with Confucius to help break Abe out of his trance, along with all of the other students that had been brainwashed by Cleo.

In "Some Talking but Mostly Songs", Abe was interested in being a part of Harriet Tubman's upcoming play, "Twister: The Game: The Musical". Abe landed the role of Mayor Spinner and let the fame of being in such a minor play go to his head. This filled him with an unearned sense of bravado, which Frida called "White Guy Confidence". Frida also convinced a bunch of minorities that they could have the same kind of machismo as Abe if they just stole his sweat and drank it, which they did, without his knowledge or consent. This failed to do anything and Frida admitted later that she made the whole thing up for no particular reason. On the night of the performance, Abe hammed up his role as Mayor Spinner and the play ended with The Grassy Knoll getting burned down in flames.

In "Saved by the Knoll", Abe helped Joan with rebuilding The Grassy Knoll and noticed that she was suffering from Psylly Legs. Joan told Abe that she didn't want people to know about this disease she had and begged him to keep it a secret, which he did. Abe made a promise with a blood pact. Abe later walked in on JFK and Harriet Tubman making out in class, which revealed to him that Joan's boyfriend was cheating on her with her best friend. Abe worried about how she would react if she found out, so he kept this hidden from her. After Joan found out about this and also learned that Abe was keeping it a secret, she unfriended him, telling him that he was being unfaithful and dishonest to her by keeping this a secret.

In "Spring Broken", Abe spent the entire spring break sulking and griping over how Joan unfriended him and complained all day and night about how pissed off he was about her. He then had a run-in with some Desert Divorcees, who spent their lives roaming the Desert in pain and misery because they got into arguments with their spouses and refused to apologize. Abe realized that this could be his fate if he didn't apologize to Joan, so he apologized to her, even though he knew he did nothing wrong. Joan forgave him and the two became friends again.

In "Sexy-Ed", Abe planned on finally asking Joan out but Topher stopped him, letting him know that Joan probably wouldn't be interested in dating a virgin, especially right after dumping a sexaholic manwhore like JFK. Topher told Abe that if he wants to get on the same level as JFK, he should first have sex with historically promiscuous woman, Mrs. Grumbles so that he can have a sizeable body count when first approaching Joan. Abe went to the teacher's lounge to have sex with Mrs. Grumbles but she died before they could do anything. Topher took a picture of Abe and Mrs. Grumbles in compromising position and used it to blackmail Abe into staying away from Joan so that he could have her all to himself.

In "For Your Consideration", Abe made a non-speaking cameo, walking down the hallway. Joan looked lovingly upon him as he passed by and made her intentions clear, that she was in love with him.

In "Clone Alone", Abe went into the Death Maze at the end of the year and competed with all of the other clones to make it into "Clone High College". In the Death Maze, Abe stuck together with JFK, Confucius, and Topher in an alliance. Topher bullied Abe around and made him into his own personal slave, still holding the blackmailed evidence of Mrs. Grumbles over his head. JFK found out that Abe was in love with Joan and also discovered what Topher was doing to Abe. Being the nice guy that he was, JFK stole Topher's phone and crushed it to death between his buttcheeks, so that Abe could be free of blackmail, and free to ask out Joan. Abe, JFK, Confucius, and Topher were later lured into a nearly basketball game and sent into a death trap, set up by Joan, putting them all into a prison, where they were brainwashed by Candide's Memory Eraser Ray. Joan later came in to restore their memories. When Abe got his memory back, he was about to ask out Joan, just like he'd always wanted to. However, Candide also showed them evidence of Joan sabotaging everyone else in the death maze and even attempting to kill them all. This got Abe to start hating Joan, certainly not wanting to be her boyfriend anymore.

Season 3[]

In "Blinded With Pseudoscience: Magnetic Distractions", Abe returned to Clone High after summer break for another school year. The changes in his relationships from the end of the last year were still in full effect. He was still pissed off at Joan for trying to kill him in the Death Maze and he now had a strong friendship with JFK after they reconciled in said Death Maze.


Abe Lincoln 2

Abe is seen wearing a white t-shirt with a blue collar and blue sleeves, long, baggy cargo jeans and sneakers. He is very tall, skinny and gangling. He has messy brown hair and a scruffy black chin-strap beard and a mole that appears to switch sides at time. Abe is around 6'5 yet despite his tall height, he is very light weight, weighing in at only 104 pounds.


Abe Lincoln is shown to be very shy, awkward, reluctant and insecure about his abilities. He is a kind and friendly teenage boy, who spends most of his time with his friends, Joan of Arc and Gandhi. He is smart and studious, always obeying the rules at Clone High High School and avoiding getting into any trouble with the teachers. He always shows respect and patience toward others, like any red-blooded American would. However, he tends to do so even toward those who are mean and vain toward him. This makes him a bit of a "pushover", especially with Cleopatra, to whom he is completely submissive. Abe can be described as weak-willed, rarely having the power to stand up for himself, even when he's being wronged. Abe will also easily cave into peer pressure, which can lead to him screwing himself over and getting into a few predicaments. However, through much trial and error, Abe stays vigilant and determined to get himself through these tough scenarios and reach the light at the end of the tunnel.

Abe is also known for being comically oblivious to various things that happen to him, most notably Joan's crush on him. Although Joan drops numerous overt hints pointing to her infatuation with him, Abe fails to pick up on any of this. Abe also regularly fails to notice when he's being cheated on by Cleo or disrespected by JFK, as well as various other blatantly obvious social cues. This fuels his status as a pushover, as he fails to realize when he's being wronged, allowing Abe to make things worse for himself in social situations. To boot, Abe is very bad at decision-making, usually making stupidly poor choices that only lead to him digging himself even deeper into whatever hole he's gotten himself into.

Abe's purpose in life is to live up to the name of his clonefather, The Original Abraham Lincoln, but this is, of course, going to be an incredibly rigorous journey for him. The original Abraham Lincoln was such an outstanding, legendary paragon in history, while he sees himself as just an average nobody. He doubts his ability to reach such a status in life but never truly gives up hope. When at the end of his robe, Abe looks to the Original Abraham Lincoln for moral and spiritual guidance, which never fails to give him the right advice for doing what he needs to do to succeed. Whenever Abe has one of these moments, he feels a true and deep connection with his clonefather and knows that he's meant to follow in his footsteps to become a successful leader just like him, someday.

Like his clonefather, Abe tries to be a profound orator, usually making impassioned speeches where he expresses his complex emotions, advice for others, outlook on the world, or words of wisdom. However, he usually tends to lose himself in these monologues and ends up stumbling over his words, saying ridiculous things, and completely forgetting where he was going with what he was saying. Although he struggles to communicate his points coherently, he usually has the right idea and knows what he stands for and believes in.

Every now and again, Abe learns how to stand up for himself against his enemies and express much-warranted anger. These rare moments of Abe putting his foot down can range from being cathartic to embarrassing, depending on how well he understands his current situation. For every moment where Abe calls out someone who's being morally reprehensible, there is also a moment when Abe blows his top over something nonsensical, leading to him making an ass of himself in public.

Abe is a devout Christian, albeit a non-practitioner, and makes a point out of being ethically correct. He will never resort to immoral behavior that the Bible wouldn't approve of. His religion teaches him the importance of generosity, genuineness, tolerance, and love, all of which are prominent aspects of his character.

Foreign voice actors[]

Language version Actors
Venezuelaflag Secundaria de clones (Latin American Spanish) Juan Guzmán
Brazilianflag Projeto Clonagem (Brazillian Portuguese) Alexandre Moreno (Season One)

Sérgio Moreno (Season Two)

Portugueseflag Projecto Clonagem (European Portuguese) Pedro Borges
Frenchflag Clone High (French) Frédéric Meaux
Italianflag Clone High (Italian) Gigi Rosa

