Clone High Wiki
Awareness Fair

The Awareness Fair was a fundraising place established by Cleopatra to raise awareness for awareness. The awareness fair served to raise awareness to all kinds of disorders and diseases, such as A.D.D., bulimia, and motion sickness. It appeared in "A.D.D.: The Last D is for Disorder".


In "A.D.D.: The Last D is for Disorder", Cleopatra used her political power as President Dog's assistant to start an Awareness Fair, raising awareness for ... awareness. At the awareness fair, she'd be having a kissing booth to raise money for awareness awareness. She also planned on giving JFK a kissing booth too but he refused to go through with this, as it would mean he'd have to kiss girls he found repulsive. This made Cleo break up with JFK and go out with Abe instead. At the awareness fair, Cleo ran her kissing booth, just planned. Just then, Gandhi came in and everybody started freaking out, not wanting to catch his A.D.D.. Abe told everyone off for how hypocritical they were being, bashing on a guy for his mental disorder at an awareness fair that was all about this. People still ignored him so Abe made out with Gandhi in front of everybody. People were repulsed by Abe and Gandhi's homosexuality and decided to stop bashing on Gandhi for having A.D.D., and instead bash on Abe for being gay.

