Clone High Wiki
Joan Laughs With the Bleacher Creatures

The Bleacher Creatures are a group of social outcasts at Clone High High School, who resign underneath the bleachers in the gymnasium. People hate them all for the various shitty things they did in the past. They first appeared in "Blinded With Pseudoscience: Magnetic Distractions".


In "Blinded With Pseudoscience: Magnetic Distractions", Joan had become a social pariah at Clone High High School for her attempts at killing everybody in the Death Maze. Now that she had been ostracized, she was recruited to join the other outcasts underneath the bleachers. There, she was introduced to the Bleacher Creatures, by their leader, Topher Bus. The Bleacher Creatures worked on trying to find out what their group's new logo should be, before eventually settling on a bunch of pictures of all of their butts.

In "The Principal Principle: Sub Zero to Sub Hero", Joan earned the respect of her old friends again and finally got to leave the Bleacher Creatures.

In "The Cloniest Place on Earth: Missile While You Work", The Bleacher Creatures were all taken to Cloney Island and stationed to work as mascots in Villain Village, which had become the most popular spot in the whole park. The Bleacher Creatures were all overjoyed to be working there, as they were finally allowed to be their true vile and disgusting selves and be appreciated by tons of adoring fans.




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