Clone High Wiki
Bloody Mary. Bloody Mary. Bloody Mary.
- Bloody Mary's summoning chant
Sorry, some people say my laugh is a little manic and pixie-like.
- Mary

Bloody Mary is a character who appeared in Sleepover as the famous ghost Bloody Mary who's said to be the ghost of Mary I of England, who had around 300 religious Protestant dissenters burned at the stake during her reign, earning her the nickname "Bloody Mary".

She later returned as a human student at Clone High High School simply just named "Mary", who became Abe's girlfriend and was believed to be a clone of a historical figure, before it was revealed who she truly was and it was her intention to steal the soul of Abe Lincoln.

She is voiced by D’Arcy Carden.


She briefly appears in "Sleepover" where Harriet, Joan, and Frida say her name three times when she appears and laughs with them. They brush each other's hair, with Joan brushing hers and getting blood everywhere, getting involved in a pillow fight, watching a scary movie and laughing when they all scream. She wins limbo by crawling all the way down. She and the others are involved in a demonic ritual summoning fire and lie down together. She ends up waving to others goodbye as she gets back in the mirror but she ends up leaving.

In "Money Can Buy Me Love: Stupid Is as Cupid Does", a new girl came to Clone High High School named "Mary". Abe fell quickly smitten with her, adoring his dorky and quirky personality. He asked her out to the Valentine's Day dance and although she accepted his proposal to be his girlfriend, she said she would rather spend the day at home with him, making tuna and anchovy hoagies and making out.

In "Go Yell It on the Mountain: Snow Way Out", Mary texted with Abe, while the latter was away at Avalanche Point and send him a booby pic. Abe considered sending her a dick pic back but JFK messed this up by sending his own dick pics to her, which she disliked. When Abe got back to Exclamation! U.S.A., Mary told him that she only disliked the dick pics because she knew it wasn't his.

In "Grave Mistakes: The Virgin Homicides", Abe and Mary were very serious but Joan had her suspicious about her, not even knowing who in history she was cloned from. When she asked Scudworth who she was, Scudworth claimed he never cloned anyone named "Mary" out of hatred for his sister, Mary Scudworth. It was later revealed that Mary is actually the human form of Bloody Mary and that after she had escaped from the mirror in Sleepover, has been hunting virgins to have sex with them to steal their life force so that she can remain young. Joan saved Abe by chanting "Bloody Mary" 6,969 times, sending her back to being trapped in a mirror, this time, it was Cleopatra's handheld mirror.


Bloody Mary is a long-haired, limber girl who wears torn-up 16th century clothing. She is completely covered from head to toe in blood that drips down her body and leaves a puddle wherever she stands.

In her human form, Mary is a white-skinned teenage girl with shaggy, short-cut auburn hair. She wears a dim-colored pink hoodie, a cornflower blue beanie, gray pants, black spectacles, pink lipstick, assorted small, golden ear piercings, long, ruffled white socks, and dark brown pennyloafers.


Mary was originally characterized as a silly and awkward nerd girl, who parodied the "Manic Pixie Dream Girl" archetype. She was clumsy, quirky, and a little goofy, and has a weird laugh that was often described as "manic and pixie-like". Mary had odd interests like playing the tuba and eating tuna anchovy hoagies with blue cheese, (the latter of which tends to give her serious halitosis). When she dated Abe, she was extra clingy with him and weirdly protective too, not allowing other girls like Joan to go anywhere near him or even be friends with him, as she feared they would get in the way of her relationship with Abe.

It was later revealed, in "Grave Mistakes: The Virgin Homicides", that her MPDG character was only a false persona she put on and deep down, she was secretly Bloody Mary, a demonic seductress who lures virgin boys into her trap so that she can kill them and consume their souls.


Joan of Arc[]

In "Sleepover", Bloody Mary was summoned from the mirror by Joan, Harriet, and Frida at her sleepover and they had fun playing together during a teen girl sleepover montage. In the end, they never really sent Bloody Mary back to the mirror dimension, allowing her to roam free and escape into the real world as soon as they all left.

Harriet Tubman[]

In "Sleepover", Bloody Mary was summoned from the mirror by Harriet, Joan, and Frida at Joan's sleepover and they had fun playing together during a teen girl sleepover montage. In the end, they never really sent Bloody Mary back to the mirror dimension, allowing her to roam free and escape into the real world as soon as they all left.

Frida Kahlo[]

In "Sleepover", Bloody Mary was summoned from the mirror by Frida, Harriet, and Joan at her sleepover and they had fun playing together during a teen girl sleepover montage. In the end, they never really sent Bloody Mary back to the mirror dimension, allowing her to roam free and escape into the real world as soon as they all left.

Abe Lincoln[]

In "Money Can Buy Me Love: Stupid Is as Cupid Does", Mary first came to Clone High High School in her human form, and when Abe saw her, it was love at first sight. Although Abe initially had trouble finding the words to ask her out, he eventually made a proposal, asking her to the Valentine's Day Dance. Mary was happy to be his girlfriend and, although she declined going to the dance, she still invited Abe to have tuna and anchovy hoagies with her at her house for their first date.

Episode Appearances[]


  • Before people knew who she was, people questioned which "Mary" in history she was cloned from; Mary, Queen of Scots, Mary Tudor (technically the correct answer, she's her ghost), Mary Shelley, and Mary Todd Lincoln. However, Scudworth denied all of this, saying that he explicitly refused to clone any "Marys" in history, due to his hatred for his sister, also named Mary.
    • Interestingly, nobody ever made the connection that she could be The Virgin Mary, despite her and Abe's deep connection with the concept of virginity.
  • She is one of the few characters in the show not to be a clone of a historical figure. In her case, she is actually the ghost of a historical figure, this being Mary Tudor, Queen of England.
  • Mary has a custom-made miniature tuba.
  • She is allergic to the vinyl they use to make bus seats.


Bloody Mary/Gallery