“ | Let's destroy property to show how much we appreciate the team! | „ |
- Buddha |
Buddha was a student at Clone High High School and a 16-year-old genetic clone of the founder of Buddhism Gautama Buddha.
Unlike his clone-father, this Buddha is fat and violence loving. He is the one who gave the idea for the first big riot. His appearance is based on the Chinese diety Budai (who is commonly thought by many as "Guatama Buddha" in the Western world).
He has appeared very briefly in Season Two in the first episode Let's Try This Again. He was seen frozen next to Van Gogh, and he was one of the clones to not be unfrozen. Theres a hanging piece of frozen meat that obstructs his face. He hasn't appeared in Season Three, though his name is featured in the current Theme Song.
Unlike his clone-father, Buddha is an overweight, violence loving party animal who has no problem destroying public property and smoking raisins. He was possibly friends with Gandhi, as he had no problem joining his Prom Posse and sat next to him in the cross country run. He is also possibly freinds with Van Gogh as both characters are always seen together.
Buddha is bald, has large ears, squinted eyes and is very overweight. He wears an orange shirt and dark green trousers.
- Buddha is arguably responsible for the majority of events that happened in "Film Fest: Tears of a Clone", due to him starting the riot that later caused the film fest to happen.
- From the second season Buddha did not appear again, most likely to avoid creating another controversy over the representation of the character in the series.