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You know, I used to be pretty when I was in school ... NOW LOOK AT ME!!!
- Cleo's Foster Mom

Cleo's Foster Mom is the unnamed foster mother of Cleopatra and currently houses Joan of Arc and Toots. She is a drunken slut, who abuses her daughter. She is voiced by Nicole Sullivan.


In "A.D.D.: The Last D is for Disorder", Cleo's Foster Mom made a non-speaking background cameo, among the crowd of concerned parents at the PTA meetings, worrying about Gandhi having A.D.D.

In "Plane Crazy: Gate Expectations", Cleo's Foster Mom busted out of the house and interrupted a potential kiss between Cleo and Abe. She came out, bearing a note for Cleo that got mixed in with her disability checks, which summoned her to be a dancer on Spring Break Dance Academy. Cleo's Foster Mom told Abe that she used to be pretty, back when she was still in school and didn't seem to see herself that way anymore. Abe later called up Cleo's Foster Mom to ask if Cleopatra was still home. Cleo's Foster Mom said that although her foster daughter had already left for the airport, she, herself was still there for him, in case he wanted to "party".

In "A Room of One's Clone: The Pie of the Storm", Cleo's Foster Mom busted into the room, completely wasted, while Cleo and Abe were making out. She thought they were playing spin the bottle and asked if she could play. Following the destruction of The of Arc House, Toots revealed to Joan that he'd been sleeping with Cleo's Drunk Foster Mom and she allowed him to live in her house, where they would have copious amounts of kinky bondage sex together. At the end of the episode, Cleo's Drunk Foster Mom pointed out to Toot that he was talking to himself.

In "Raisin the Stakes: A Rock Opera in Three Acts", Cleo's Foster Mom, along with Wally and Carl, was sitting as one of the head chairmen of the PTA meeting.

In "Snowflake Day: A Very Special Holiday Special", Cleo's Drunk Foster Mom was at Cleo's Snowflake Day party, pouring herself some vodka. When Joan kept complaining about how much she hated the holidays, Cleo's Drunk Foster Mom called her out for her embarrassing behavior, just before losing her balance and dropping to the floor.

In "Changes: The Big Prom: The Sex Romp: The Season Finale", Cleo's Foster Mom was present at the winter prom and joined the conga line that led them into the flash freezer, getting herself frozen for 20 years. She was supposedly defrosted in "Let's Try This Again" though she was never shown on screen.

In "Sleepover", Cleo's Drunk Foster Mom was completely absent from the household and had her place taken by Candide Sampson, who was pretending to be her. It is unknown where Cleo's Drunk Foster Mom was during this.

In "Cyranos: A Portmant-Opus", Cleo's Drunk Foster Mom returned, accompanying Cleo at Parent-Teacher Night.


Cleo's Foster Mom is a skinny white bimbo with spray-tanned orange skin faded flaxen blonde hair worn in a bun. She wears a pink tube top with shoestring-thin straps, a short black skirt, and pink high heels. Her face seems unnaturally shaped as though she has undergone a fair share of plastic surgery in the past. Comically, she always carries around a drink such as a martini glass or shot glass, wherever she goes.


Cleo's Foster Mom is a dumb, drunken slut, who verbally abuses her daughter, being jealous of her for how much more beautiful she is, compared to herself. She is always completely intoxicated and has never had a sober moment on screen. She always speaks in a slurred speech and doesn't seem to have a full grasp of what she's talking about. Cleo's Foster Mom is woefully incapable of controlling her libido, as she makes frequent sexual passes at people during inappropriate times and have even exhibited not-so-subtle signs of ephebophilia towards Abe.



Cleo is Cleo's Foster Mom's foster daughter. Cleo's Foster Mom is jealous of Cleo's beauty, popularity, and relationship with Abe. It reminds her of her former self.


In "A Room of One's Clone: The Pie of the Storm", she and Toots started dating. When Joan's House burned down, she allowed Toots and Joan to live with her and Cleo at Cleo's House. Since then, they've been boyfriend and girlfriend, sharing the same living environment. They could possibly be headed toward marriage and starting a blended family.

Joan of Arc[]

She never really acknowledges Joan, but doesn't seem to mind her presence. After all, she did allow her to live in her house. She'll likely have no problem accepting her as a step-daughter, should she and Toots get married.

Abe Lincoln[]

Cleo's Foster Mom has expressed sexual and romantic feelings for Abe, apparently seeing in him, the same thing Cleo does. She makes passes at him, which are always ignored. In "Plane Crazy: Gate Expectations", when Abe called her, asking where Cleo was. She told him that she left and tried to get him to think that she'd be dumping him too. She then invites Abe over to "party". In "A Room of One's Clone: The Pie of the Storm", she asks Abe to play spin the bottle with her. Her love for Abe is derived from her singularity and need for a husband. Now, however, these feelings are most likely no more, since she's now happily dating Toots.


As mentioned by Gandhi in "Escape to Beer Mountain: A Rope of Sand", Gandhi was her foster son for ten years, but Cleo convinced her that he wasn't good enough for her image and had him transferred to another home. Her abusive nature doesn't seem to have the same affect on Gandhi as it did on Cleo, showing that she was and is somewhat prejudiced toward him.

Episode Appearances[]


  • In "Escape to Beer Mountain: A Rope of Sand", it was revealed that she used to also be the foster mother of Gandhi for 10 years, before getting rid of him.
    • She may have married at one time as Gandhi said that Cleo convinced her "parents" to disown him.
  • She does not have a job and lives off of disability checks.
  • She's hinted many times that she has either romantic or sexual feelings for Abe Lincoln.
  • She, along with Wally and Carl serves as one of the three head chairmen of the PTA.