Clone High Wiki
Butlertron Explains How Scudworth Did "He calls everyone 'Wesley' ... Don't know why."
This page is about a character whose name has not yet been confirmed in-series or otherwise. The current title is being used as a placeholder name until an official one is found.

Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel (AKA "Coco") is a second generation student at Clone High High School. She is a genetic clone of French fashion designer and part-time Nazi collaborator, Gabrielle Chanel.


In "Anxious Times at Clone High" she can be seen studying for the pre-midterms in the halls.

In "Saved by the Knoll" she can be seen in the halls as Joan and Abe pass out flyers.

In "Clone Alone" she can be seen excitedly cheering for Candide and Scudworth after their Clone High College song.


She wears a pink shirt with a purple collar and ribbon. She wears a purple beret, pink thigh high socks, and a navy blue dress. She has long brown hair and wears large circular glasses.
