Confucius' Foster Sister is the unnamed, unseen, foster sister of Confucius. She lives in a very wealthy household with their mother, who is is a wealthy woman with a hobby of hunting animals. It is so far unknown if she's also a clone, if she's the biological child of Confucius' Foster Mom, or if she's also adopted but not a clone.
She is mentioned in "Spring Broken", by Confucius' Foster Mom that told Confucius via FlipFlop comments, that she was taking her and the rest of the family (including Aunt Lindy) to Bali, Indonesia for 2 weeks during spring break. She claimed that she would have taken him too but they wanted to have fun. She added that she left the credit card in the microwave for dinner and warned him not to get lost in the desert during his field trip because if he did, she wouldn't be around the care at all.