Clone High Wiki
Good day Gandhi, it is I, Daniel Feldspar a stereotypically austrilian dragon and I'm gonna eat you like a Dingo eats his baby!
- Daniel Feldspar

Daniel Feldspar is a character who appeared in "Raisin the Stakes: A Rock Opera in Three Acts". He is a hallucinogenic creature, seen by Gandhi, when he got high on raisins. He is a stereotypically Australian dragon.

He is voiced by Tom Martin.


In "Raisin the Stakes: A Rock Opera in Three Acts". He was part of the Gandhi hallucination depicted as a stereotypically Australian dragon trying to protect the "princess". Later, Gandhi distracted Daniel by telling him that he never tried vegemite. And Daniel reacts so surprised that he prepares to Gandhi a vegetime in his kitchen.

Episode Apparences[]

"Raisin the Stakes: A Rock Opera in Three Acts".


Daniel Feldspar is a blue and yellow dragon with a stereotypical brown Australian hat, white hair and dark purple spikes from his body to his tail.


Daniel is a friendly and sociable dragon who pretends to have an evil personality amongst others.


  • His name Feldspar is based on the mineral from Western-Australia called Feldspar.


Daniel Feldspar/Gallery.
