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“ | Come in, evil board of shadowy figures. This is E-Cybo Pooch with damning evidence of Scudworth. I will now upload said evidence via a 2,400 baud Modem. | „ |
- E Cybo Pooch |
E-Cybo Pooch was a robotic pet dog, owned by Principal Scudworth. He appeared in "A Room of One's Clone: The Pie of the Storm".
He is voiced by Neil Flynn.
In "A Room of One's Clone: The Pie of the Storm", he was sent by the Secret Board of Shadowy Figures to keep an eye on Scudworth and make sure he wasn't plotting anything behind their back. Scudworth quickly became infatuated with Cybo-Pooch and played with him all the time, teaching him new tricks and playing games with him. He became so obsessed with E-Cybo Pooch that he began to shun Mr. B, who was extremely jealous. Principal Scudworth invited E-Cybo Pooch to live in his house as his new pet dog, which made Mr. Butlertron even more jealous. It would later turn out that E-Cybo Pooch was exactly what Mr. B suspected he was, when he started talking like an undercover British spy and reporting back to The Secret Board of Shadowy Figures about what Principal Scudworth was doing. He was about to send the information back to the government on an outdated 90's computer system that would have blown Principal Scudworth's cover. Cybo-Pooch was eventually destroyed by Mr. Butlertron via a pie that reflects Cybo-Pooch's eye lazers. Even thought Principal Scudworth knew about what E-Cybo-Pooch was planning, he was still pissed off at Mr. Butlertron for destroying him.
In "Let's Try This Again", E-Cybo-Pooch had his name written down in a sticky note that came with Principal Scudworth's information folder.
E-Cybo Pooch was a tan robot dog, with dark blue lenses for eyes, gray joints and an antenna for a tail.
E-Cybo Pooch acted like a typical dog on the surface, but deep down, he was secretly a British spy, sent by The Secret Board of Shadowy Figures to gather intelligence on Principal Scudworth.
- E-Cybo Pooch has a bunch of commands;
- If you stroke his sensor, he wags his tail.
- If you hit "Enter", "Command", "F4", "Turbo", "Turbo", "Select" on his remote and then clap twice, he will sit up and bark. However, when Scudworth tried this, it failed.
- If you hit "#", "9" on his remote, clap twice, and then hit "Enter" on his remote, he will bark at an unwanted intruder. However, when Scudworth did this, he just happily barked and panted at Mr. Butlertron, suggesting that Scudworth either failed to do the right process or the robot was dysfunctional again.
- E-Cybo Pooch ran on a dial-up modem.