Eleanor Roosevelt is the gym teacher at Clone High High School and a genetic clone of American diplomat, humanitarian and first lady Eleanor Roosevelt. She first appeared in "Escape to Beer Mountain: A Rope of Sand". She is voiced by Phil Lord.
In "Escape to Beer Mountain: A Rope of Sand", Eleanor Roosevelt gave her students the Presidential physical fitness test. When she heard Joan talking, while she was making her announcement, she sent her to the principal's office. As Joan walked away, Eleanor pervaciously watched her ass as she walked away.
In "Homecoming: A Shot in D'Arc", a terrified scream was heard and then Principal Scudworth walked up with blood on his hands, claiming that he was the new gym teacher, suggesting that he murdered Eleanor Roosevelt.
In "Changes: The Big Prom: The Sex Romp: The Season Finale", she was in the background at the prom, during the scene where Principal Scudworth reminded Mr. Butlertron that he rigged the election. Additionally, she was led by the conga line into the Flash Freezer, where she, along with everyone else at the prom, was cryogenically frozen for the next 20 years.
Eleanor Roosevelt is a tall, musclebound old white woman with short, curly gray hair. Her neck is stretched out and wrinkled and she has a big pink-lipped mouth with thick, pronounced teeth. Whenever she talks, she projects a deep, gruff, masculine voice through some very loud and atrocious screaming. She wears spectacles, a dim green shirt, orange pants, and blue and white gym sneakers.
Eleanor Roosevelt is extremely masculine, an exaggeration of the perception of how un-feminine her clone-mother was. Eleanor is loud, bossy, and domineering to her students. Playing with more rumours of the Original Eleanor, her clone is a lesbian ephebophile, who found Joan attractive, given her clone mother's involvement with the Girl Scouts this has deeper nefarious implications.
Episode Appearances[]
- Escape to Beer Mountain: A Rope of Sand
- Homecoming: A Shot in D'Arc (Voice Only)
- Changes: The Big Prom: The Sex Romp: The Season Finale (Cameo)
- She is the one of the few historical figure clones to be a teacher rather than a student, which implies that she was cloned before the 1980's.
- This trait is also shared with Mr. Sheepman and Melvil Dewey.
- Joan addressed her as a "he", acknowledging just how non-feminine she is. So much so, that she doesn't even qualify as being a woman in her book.
- A gag in "Homecoming: A Shot in D'Arc" suggests that she was killed by Principal Scudworth. However, she appeared alive in "Changes: The Big Prom: The Sex Romp: The Season Finale".