The Hands of Sincerity is a running gag in Clone High, wherein characters will raise their cupped hands in front of themselves, usually during a melodramatic monologue, to express their deep and profound emotions about the subject matter. Often times, this is accompanied by the sound of a slide whistle.
Escape to Beer Mountain: A Rope of Sand[]
- Gandhi does the hands of sincerity when he lies to Joan, promising to uphold the Teen Crisis Hotline, which he assures her he cares very deeply about.
A.D.D.: the Last D is for Disorder[]
- Gandhi does the hands of sincerity upon hearing from Mr. Butlertron that he has A.D.D. (and its hyperactive cousin, A.D.H.D.) and asks if this means he;s dying.
- Gandhi does the hands of sincerity, when he hears from Marie Curie that he's getting kicked off of the Solid Gandhi Dancers, despite being the treasurer.
- Gandhi goes for a high-five with Abe but the latter leaves him hanging on account of his condition. Gandhi raises only one of his hands in sincerity, since the other one is still reaching out for a high-five.
- JFK does the hands of sincerity, while complaining to Principal Scudworth about his problems.
- Abe does the hands of sincerity when explaining how unfair it is that Gandhi is being persecuted at the Awareness Fair, referring to the event as an "Awareness Unfair".
Film Fest: Tears of a Clone[]
- Abe does the hands of sincerity, when telling Joan about how the Film Festival has changed overtime, how having tons of people bringing in all new kinds of films to the table that were never there before. He tells Joan that the film festival is mostly about her, though.
- In response to this, Joan does the hands of sincerity, when asking Abe if the film fest is really all about her.
- During the song, "Expressing Ourselves", Cleo, JFK, Abe, and Joan all do the hands of sincerity.
Sleep of Faith: La Ru D'Awakening[]
- On the promotional image for the episode, Joan was shown doing the hands of sincerity, worrying about Abe's sleep deprivation.
Homecoming: A Shot in D'Arc[]
- Gandhi does the hands of sincerity, when Geshy leaves.
Plane Crazy: Gate Expectations[]
- Abe does the hands of sincerity, when Cleo announces to him that she'll be leaving to go to Ashley Angel's Spring Break Dance Academy.
- Abe does the hands of sincerity, when declaring he'll be leaving Cleo for another girl.
Raisin the Stakes: A Rock Opera in Three Acts[]
- During the song, "Normal", JFK does the hands of sincerity, when singing about how he'll be taking for granted how the canvas is open.
Litter Kills: Litterally[]
- Gandhi does the hands of sincerity, when explaining to the Sheriff how he's wearing orange warmups, as is part of his prison uniform.
- Gandhi raises his hands in sincerity, when hearing from Joan during conjugal visiting hours, how Ponce de León died.
- Glen the Janitor tears up and does the hands of sincerity, when he gets fired from his job after his son died.
- Abe does the hands of sincerity, when learning that littering is actually a good thing in moderation. Gandhi, Joan, and Cleo all follow suit and raise their hands in sincerity, agreeing with him.
Snowflake Day: A Very Special Holiday Special[]
- Gandhi does the hands of sincerity, when telling Abe to make Cleo a gift for from the heart.
Makeover Makeover Makeover: the Makeover Episode[]
- Abe does the hands of sincerity, when trying to convince Joan to go to the prom.
- Abe does it again, when vowing to make sure Joan will go to the prom one way or another.
- Gandhi does the hands of sincerity in the mirror, when asking himself why he can't find someone to dry hump.
- Abe does the hands of sincerity at the thinking docks, telling Joan that she has beauty deep inside of her that she needs to let out to the public.
- Principal Scudworth does the hands of sincerity after collapsing on the ground from his emotional breakdown, after hearing about how his arch nemesis, John Stamos will be stopping by to visit him.
- Abe does the hands of sincerity, when making his prom-posal to the girl he's asking out.
Changes: The Big Prom: The Sex Romp: The Season Finale[]
- Abe and Joan do the hands of sincerity at each other as Abe is about to confess to Joan, his love for her. Just as he's about to, they both get frozen in the flash freezer, solidifying them in the hands of sincerity position for the next 20 years.
- Although the term "Hands of Sincerity" has yet to be used in the show itself, Christopher Miller confirmed the name on a Twitter post he made on July 2nd, 2020, where he has a photo of himself doing them, as seen here.
- Ironically, the first time the hands of sincerity were used, (in "Escape to Beer Mountain: A Rope of Sand"), they were not used with sincerity, as Gandhi was lying to Joan's face, promising to manage to Teen Crisis Hotline instead of going to Abe's party.