Kublai Khan is a student at Clone High High School and the genetic clone of Mongolian leader and Grandson of Genghis Khan, Kublai Khan, he is also the great nephew of fellow Clone High student Genghis Khan. He first appeared in "Let's Try This Again". He is voiced by Kyle Lau.
In "Let's Try This Again", Kublai Khan was seen out the window, talking to Harriet Tubman, establishing him as one of the second generation students at Clone High High School, cloned in 2007.
In "The Crown: Joancoming: It’s a Cleo, Cleo, Cleo, Cleo World", Kublai Khan made his speaking debut as one of the potential winners for the title of homecoming king. However, while announcing the winner, Harriet described them as "hot in a way your parents would approve of." This caused him to realize that he didn't win, leading him to disappointedly walk off stage.
In "Some Talking but Mostly Songs", Kublai Khan had his second speaking role. He played the character of Left Foot on Green in Harriet's play, "Twister: The Game: The Musical".
In "Saved by the Knoll", Kublai Khan was walking down the hallway, while Joan passed out fliers for The Grassy Knoll.
In "Sexy-Ed", Kublai Khan was one of the teenagers who attended the Harrucius Major Rager.
In "Clone Alone", Kublai Khan was one of the students in the Death Maze who got sabotaged by Joan.
In "Go Yell It on the Mountain: Snow Way Out", Kublai Khan went to Avalanche Point for Ski Week.
In "Cyranos: A Portmant-Opus", Kublai Khan attended Parent-Teacher Night at Clone High. However, neither of his foster parents were present.
In "Cloney Island: Twist!", Kublai Khan was one of the students to read Scudworth's Diary. He later found out that Clone High High School had turned into a submarine.
In "The Cloniest Place on Earth: Missile While You Work", Kublai Khan went to Cloney Island and was stationed to work at Historical Hotties. There, he played with a beach ball.