“ | See, I was into everything. Weed, Grass, Ganja, Reefer, Marijuana, Mary Jane. I did it all! I even smoked pot once! | „ |
- Larry Harcore |
Larry Hardcore is a celebrity and the true identity of The Pusher. He first appeared in "Raisin the Stakes: A Rock Opera in Three Acts".
He is voiced and based after Jack Black.
In "Raisin the Stakes: A Rock Opera in Three Acts", he is brought to Clone High High School to give an anti-drug seminar at the auditorium. During his seminar, he insinuates to the Clones that he would have smoked raisins if it got him high which makes the Clones start to want to smoke it.
When the Pusher is "defeated", Abe removes his hood only to reveal that Larry Hardcore was the Pusher. Abe asks why he did it and Larry tells him that the Raisin Council needed new marketing to attract teenagers. Larry then tells them that all their psychedelic trips were all in their heads.