The List of Girls Who Are NOT Attracted to Abe is an official notarized list, signed by various female students at Clone High High School, who have all agreed that they do not find Abe Lincoln attractive in any way. It appeared in "Grave Mistakes: The Virgin Homicides".
- Anne Boleyn
- Marie Antoinette
- Sacagawea
- Mila Brulee
- Marilyn Monroe
- Jackée the Ripper
- Lizzie Borden
- Susan B. Anthony
- Betsy Ross
- Wu Zetian
- Catherine the Great
- Brontë Sisters
- Ayn Rand
- Marie Curie
- Erica Rivinoja
- Rebecca Collins
- Tara Billinger
- Anna Hollingsworth
- Kathryn Hudson
- Princess Bizares
- Sarah Martin
- Danielle Simousen
- Miranda Tacchia
- Ryn Soorholtz
- Ariel Evans
- Alison DuBois
- Kelly Bloom
- Carly Henson
- Leigh Luna
- Karen Lee
- The list is a parody on the US Constitution, even beginning with "We the Girls" instead of "We the People".
- Half the people on the list are actually just female writers/directors/storyboard artists/etc. who've worked on the show.
- Mila Brulee is also on the list, despite not being a student.