“ | But Martin Luther King, Jr, you know I'm a Jew and also lactose intolerance. | „ |
- Moses during his dispute with MLKJ over ham and cheese sandwiches |
Moses is a student at Clone High High School and 16-year-old genetic clone of Hebrew prophet Moses. He first appeared in A Room of One's Clone: The Pie of the Storm.
He is voiced by Neil Flynn.
Season One[]
In "A Room of One's Clone: The Pie of the Storm", Moses is in the Conflict Mediation Seminar where he is having a fight with Martin Luther King, Jr. over ham and cheese sandwiches which he can't eat on account of being Jewish and lactose intolerant. Mr. Sheepman is able to resolve their dispute by making them do a team exercise where they pass an egg on spoons with their mouths after which Moses and Martin Luther King, Jr. make peace with each other.
In "Raisin the Stakes: A Rock Opera in Three Acts", he is holding hands with one of the Brontë sisters and Genghis Khan singing Normal with the rest of Clone High. He is later seen with Martin Luther King, Jr. in the hallway when the clones are talking about smoking raisins.
In "Changes: The Big Prom: the Sex Romp: the Season Finale", he joins Gandhi's prom posse and later joins the conga line to the flash freezer where he is frozen with everybody else.
Season Two[]
In "Let's Try This Again", he is seen in the flash freezer with the rest of the frozen clones.
Episode Appearances[]
- A Room of One's Clone: The Pie of the Storm
- Raisin the Stakes: A Rock Opera in Three Acts (Cameo)
- Changes: The Big Prom: The Sex Romp: The Season Finale
- Let's Try This Again (Cameo)
- Since the Bible is a history of our early beginnings, Moses classifies as a historical figure.
- In the Christian Bible It is said that God buried him and nobody knows where he was buried- making it suspicious as to how Scudworth was able to locate the body of Moses' clone father.
- Moses is shown to look nearly similar to his clone father, especially his grey hair which 16 year-olds do not have.
- Moses strongly resembles the depiction of Moses as played by Charlton Heston in the 1956 film The Ten Commandments.