Clone High Wiki

The Original Jeanne D'Arc is the famous 15th-century French revolutionist, who led the French army against the oppression of King Louis. She was known for being a devout Catholic, who believed she could hear voiced from God. She is the clonemother of Joan of Arc, who disagrees with everything she stood for and has instead become a gothic, nihilistic Atheist. She was pictured in the episode "The Cloniest Place on Earth: Missile While You Work".


In "A.D.D.: the Last D is for Disorder", Joan thought she was hearing voices from God and/or other religious figures in Heaven. Upon hearing this, Joan almost instantly started believing in God. Joan's first quote upon enlightenment was "The voices, finally, the voices!". Since she had proof of her clonemother's standards to be founded on truth. She could take seriously the attempts at being like her. It wasn't until later on, that she found out these voices were actually just radio signals from a Christian radio station being picked up by her retainer, which logically, got her to go back to the way she was before.

In "Homecoming: A Shot in D'Arc", she knew the story of Joan of Arc being burned at the stake for standing up for what she believed in. This, however, didn't stop her from standing up for gender equality in basketball. Mostly, this was due to her thinking that in modern society, there'd be no way people would sincerely incinerate her. At least, not until Mr. Butlertron computed the statistics of that fate's likelihood. He gave her a rather disturbing number, which struck a nerve for a second, but still didn't curb her devotion to do what was right.

In "A Room of One's Clone: The Pie of the Storm", a very ironic coincidence ensued, when a hurricane struck Exclamation! U.S.A., and a bolt of lightning struck her house and burned it to the ground, mirroring her clonemother's ultimate fate. Luckily for Joan, it wasn't herself that got destroyed in the fire, but this would only be the first of many bridges, she'd cross to reach her true destiny.

In "The Cloniest Place on Earth: Missile While You Work", the original Jeanne D'Arc was pictured in a history book, with a description of who she was. Later in the episode, Joan of Arc got a summer job working at Cloney Island, where her role was to put on a play, where she'd act like the original Jeanne D'arc and do a performance of her life.

Episode Appearances[]
