Clone High Wiki
Singers: Don't tell Paul Revere.
Paul Revere: Too late!
- Did You Hear? lyrics

Paul Revere is a student at Clone High High School and 16-year-old genetic clone of American military officer and silversmith Paul Revere. He is known for spreading rumors around the school, by calling out the latest gossip, while riding horseback through the halls. He has his first role in "A.D.D.: the Last D is for Disorder". He is voiced by Zach Braff.


In "Escape to Beer Mountain: A Rope of Sand", Paul Revere was one of the background students at the party. Originally, he didn't care about Abe when he showed up but when he heard that he brought beer to the party, suddenly he started acting like Abe was his best friend in the world.

In "A.D.D.: The Last D is for Disorder", students started singing the song "Did You Hear?", where they spread rumors about Gandhi having A.D.D.. They wanted to make sure nobody told Paul Revere, as he would spread the news like wildfire. However, Paul Revere already figured out and rode his horse through the halls, announcing to everybody that Gandhi had A.D.D.. Paul Revere later showed up at the Awareness Fair, grimacing in disgust when he saw Abe and Gandhi kissing and then decided to direct all his hatred toward homophobia instead of ableism.

In “Film Fest: Tears of a Clone” he can be seen in the background of Abe’s film, “It Takes a Hero”. He can also be seen running away from the explosion in the back of the theater.

In "Sleep of Faith: La Ru D'Awakening", Paul Revere was one of the clones taking the PXJTs.

In “Homecoming: A Shot in D'Arc” he can be seen the the crowd holding a flag in support of Clone High.

In “Plane Crazy: Gate Expectations” he can be seen talking to Genghis Khan during lunch.

In “Litter Kills: Litterally” he attends Ponce de León’s funeral.

During "Changes: The Big Prom: The Sex Romp: The Season Finale", he can be seen in the crowd during John Stamos’ speech. He can also be seen in the flash freezer.

In "Let's Try This Again", his frozen body was seen among the other frozen clones, getting defrosted by Principal Scudworth.

In “Sleepover”, he is seen in the classroom grinning after Joan of Arc wakes up from her very loud sex dream about Abe Lincoln.

In “Clone Alone” he can be seen telling Topher Bus to shut up.

Episode Appearances[]


Paul Revere/Gallery
