Clone High Wiki
Ponce's Funeral

Ponce's Funeral is a funeral for Ponce de León, that was held in the Clone High High School gymnasium after he died from litter. It occurred in "Litter Kills: Litterally".


In "Litter Kills: Litterally", Ponce de León was killed by a whirlwind of litter and then a funeral was held in his honor. His foster father, Glen the Janitor, eulogized him but was interrupted by Principal Scudworth, who demanded he leave the funeral in the middle of the procession to clean up a kid's barf stain in the lavatory. JFK freaked out over the death of Ponce and had an emotional breakdown at the funeral, where he went through all the stages of grief in public. The funeral was ended by Genghis Khan, who sang "Ave Maria" as everyone cleared out. When everyone left, they threw a bunch of trash on the ground, which angered Joan, since this littering is exactly what killed Ponce in the first place.
