Clone High Wiki
Arf arf arf!
- President Dog

President Dog is a stray puppy and current school president of Clone High High School. He first appeared in "Episode Two: Election Blu-Galoo".


In "Episode Two: Election Blu-Galoo", President Dog wanders on stage during the school election voting (which is measured using an Applause-O-Meter). The whole school finds him so cute that they all let out a giant "Awwwww", which was detected as a cheer from the Applause-O-Meter, therefore making him class president. Cleo tried to woo him so he would pass his presidency over to her, but this failed.

In "A.D.D.: The Last D is for Disorder", President Dog accompanied JFK and Cleo, when they were putting up posters to spread awareness for awareness. JFK accused Cleo of sleeping with the President Dog. This broad assumption caught President Dog as off-guard as it did, Cleo.


President Dog is a little tan beagle with brown ears and a brown spot on his back and a brown tail. He wears a brown collar with a golden tag on it. After becoming student body president, he had "PREZ" engraved into his dog tag.


President Dog is an adorable little puppy dog, who is sweet, kind, innocent, and playful. Although he seems to know just about as much about the responsibilities of being president as any dog would, he seems to let on some awareness about the world, given how he reacts to Cleopatra, when she makes overtly sexual comments to or about him. Unlike most male characters in the series, however, President Dog does not respond positively to Cleo's advances and meets her passes with either dismissal or reproach. This goes to show that even though he's an animal, President Dog still maintains a largely professional demeanor.

Episode Appearances[]


  • Although it's unknown what breed he is, judging by his appearance, it's likely he could be a beagle.

