Raisins (AKA Sun Nuggets, Solar Babies, La Uva Loca, California's Finest) are dried up grapes. They were used as a gateway drug for a while, only for it to be revealed later that they were completely harmless placebos. in "Raisin the Stakes: A Rock Opera in Three Acts".
In "Raisin the Stakes: A Rock Opera in Three Acts", celebrity guest speaker, Larry Hardcore came to Clone High High School to give the students an anti-drug PSA about how drugs ruined his life by turning him into the world-famous, multi-millionaire rockstar he is today. He told the students that when he was a drug-addict, he'd smoke anything he could get his hands on, even raisins. This convinced all of the students to start smoking raisins.
JFK met a mysterious masked figure, known as The Pusher, who came up to him and offered to sell him some raisins. JFK bought two scoops of raisins from him and went back to the school to share them with everybody. Everyone went to JFK's Van to smoke up raisins, including Abe. However, Abe wasn't going to smoke them, as his only reason for attending was to make sure that his girlfriend, Cleo didn't cheat on him with JFK.
However, in JFK's Van, all of the clones eventually peer-pressured Abe (and Gandhi) into smoking raisins. Gandhi got so high, that he immediately jumped out the window and went on a psychedelic trip through a rainbow universe with a humkeycorn named Galdemore. Abe got so high, that he started hallucinating himself as a hippie leader named Captain Lavender, who led the other clones into a new age of peace and tranquility. Cleo became his common-law wife, Rain Melon and soon, they all started dancing in sexually suggestive ways, until their highs wore off and Abe found himself face-flat in the mud that night.
Principal Scudworth noticed the growing concern among foster parents about how raisins were affecting their foster children, so he used this as leverage for his campaign to make himself the leader of the PTA, vowing that when he becomes their new leader, he could build a fence around Exclamation! U.S.A., to block out any outsiders from coming in and selling raisins to their children, ending raisins once and for all.
Meanwhile, Joan had a different idea on how to get rid of raisins and that was to meet The Pusher in person and buy a ton of raisins for him. She then made a huge pile of raisins, which she encouraged the foster parents and teachers to burn in a blaze of fire to destroy them. However, when burning the raisins, the fumes and smoke from the raisins for the foster parents and teachers all high too, making them all start to enjoy smoking raisins. When the kids saw this, they started to dislike raisins, now no longer thinking it was cool anymore, thanks to the authority figures doing it.
With raisins decreasing in popularity, The Pusher was rendered powerless and was unmasked by Abe and Joan, who discovered that his true identity was Larry Hardcore, himself. Larry Hardcore admitted that he got the kids interested in doing raisins at that anti-drug seminar so that he could fund his secret other business, selling those raisins. He used to be the band manager for The California Raisins but when their band fell out of favor in the early 90's, he needed to make raisins a trend to help boost their popularity again. He also admitted that raisins can't actually get you high and all of the hallucinations and changes in behavior they had during this ordeal was purely the placebo effect.
In "Let's Try This Again", one of the scientists at The Secret Board of Shadowy Figures was wheeling a giant barrel full of raisins.
In "Grave Mistakes: The Virgin Homicides", Principal Scudworth brought some raisin-free Trail Mix with him to the Exclamation Cemetery.
- One of the street names for raisins is "California's Finest", which is a reference to The California Raisins.
- Another street name is "La Uva Loca", which is Spanish for "Crazy Grape".
- JFK ordering "two scoops of raisins" is a reference to the slogan for Raisin Bran cereal.
- This was referenced again at the PTA meeting, regarding raisins, where the sign read "Two Scoops of Worry".
- And again in "Let's Try This Again", when a scientist had a barrel labeled "2 Scoops Raisins".