Clone High Wiki
Butlertron Explains How Scudworth Did "He calls everyone 'Wesley' ... Don't know why."
This page is about a character whose name has not yet been confirmed in-series or otherwise. The current title is being used as a placeholder name until an official one is found.
I'm a reporter.
- The Reporter

The Reporter is a media-based news reporter, who interviews celebrities and public figures in the industry. She appeared in "Plane Crazy: Gate Expectations". She is voiced by Debra Wilson.


In "Plane Crazy: Gate Expectations", she interviews G-Spot (Gandhi), criticizing him and asking him if he plans to do another song. JFK tries to defend Gandhi by asking the reporter if she's trying to write a hit song. She responds by saying that she's just a reporter.

In "Changes: The Big Prom: The Sex Romp: The Season Finale", she reacts with shock when Scudworth attacks John Stamos and in the final part of the episode she can be briefly seen in the Flash Freezer.

