Scan Grade, known also as Scan Grade the Magnificent is the exam scanner for the P.X.J.T. He is a villainous robot, created by The Secret Board of Shadowy Figures, who draws energy from #2 pencil lead, which he plans to collect from the tests he scans to take over the world. He first appeared in the episode "Sleep of Faith: La Ru D'Awakening". He is voiced by Judah Miller.
Scan Grade first appeared in "Sleep of Faith: La Ru D'Awakening", where he appeared after Principal Scudworth and Mr. Butlertron met The Secret Board of Shadowy Figures in person. He introduced himself as Scan Grade The Magnificent, a test-grading and world dominating robot. The board told Mr. B and Scudworth that he is fueled by number two pencils. After fifty years of grading papers, he just needed one more round of papers to grade before he was powerful enough to take over the world. After addressing Mr. B and telling him he appears to have gained weight, the scene transitioned and he was not seen again until Scudworth and Mr. B were walking down the school hallway. He appeared in a doorway and addressed himself in the exact same way that he had before, and then he commented on the apron that Mr. B was wearing, saying that he believes that Mrs Scan Grade has the same one at home. Later, after the tests were taken, a man was seen putting the tests into the back of the robot, and he laughed as they spilled out of his mouth. Suddenly, he had a malfunction, having had a test run through him that was not graded with a number two pencil. Mr. B revealed that it was him, having filled out a paper with a number three pencil. This provoked Scan Grade, and he told Mr. B to "prepare to die". The scene then transitioned into a new setting, but when it switched back, it showed Mr. B being thrown to the ground by Scan Grade. Mr. B then threw chamomile tea on this face, which made Scan Grade pull out his spikey hammer and slammed Mr. B on the head with it. Mr. B retaliated by dusting Scan Grade's face, so he made a ramp appear from out of his waist-area and tipped over Mr. B. Once on his back, he pulled out a buzz saw and approached MR. B with it. The scene again transitioned, and when it came back, Mr. B requested that Scan Grade answer one last multiple-choice question for him. He asked if he was "A. Handsome, B. Smart, C. Scrap Metal, or D. All of the above". Scan Grade assumed this to be easy, but when he went to give an answer, he realized that none of them fit. His side-screws then fell off, he fell on his side, smoke came out of his side, and he threw up all of his insides. A tear came out of his eye, and he exploded. Mr. B then announces that the answer was C., scrap metal.
Scan Grade reappears in "Changes: The Big Prom: The Sex Romp: The Season Finale", having been rebuilt and screwed back together. His role in this episode was to count the total votes for prom king. He produced the answer and Scudworth was supposed to be the winner, as he rigged the contest. Suddenly, John Stamos appeared. Scan Grade described him as the "hunky, hazel-eyed star of Full House", and announced him to be the new winner of the contest. He reappeared momentarily, still stage next to John Stamos just before Scudworth came and jabbed the crown into John Stamos's eye.
He makes another return appearance in Season 2, being the first challenge of the Death Maze in "Clone Alone", much to the disappointment of Joan, who breaks the fourth wall and says that the writers could have brought back a more interesting character.
Scan Grade had a grey rectangular body, with his top edges being rounded out, orange rectangular eyes, a wide rectangular mouth, small-white wheels for feet, white-robotic arms, and robotic claw hands. He is connected to a wire that appears to be endless, and had a slit on his back where the papers are inserted to be graded.
Scan Grade is very arrogant and egotistical. Being a robot designed for world domination he has quite the god-complex, often calling others "infidels" and boasting about how great he is and refering to himself as "The Magnificent". He is very rude to Mr. B, insulting him during every interaction that they have. He is determined that he is destined to take over the world no matter what.
Episode Appearances[]
- Sleep of Faith: La Ru D'Awakening
- Changes: The Big Prom: The Sex Romp: The Season Finale
- Clone Alone
- Scan Grade hates chamomile tea.
- Scan Grade is one of the few characters not to go into the flash freezer in the Season 1 finale.