Scudworth's House is the home of Principal Scudworth and Mr. Butlertron. It first appeared in "Film Fest: Tears of a Clone".
In "Film Fest: Tears of a Clone", Principal Scudworth and Mr. Butlertron decorated their house to make it look fancier and classier for when The Secret Board of Shadowy Figures.
In "A Room of One's Clone: The Pie of the Storm", Principal Scudworth brought E Cybo-Pooch to live with him in his house, which Mr. Butlertron hated.
In "Makeover Makeover Makeover: the Makeover Episode", Principal Scudworth got a makeover at his house.
Episode Appearances[]
- Film Fest: Tears of a Clone
- A Room of One's Clone: The Pie of the Storm
- Makeover Makeover Makeover: the Makeover Episode
- Scudworth's house is decorated with posters that reflect the time when Scudworth was still attending ASU.
- A poster for a movie called "Reserved Dogs" parodies the 1992 film, Reservoir Dogs.
- A neon sign reads "Quittin' Time Beer", which references the QuikTrip beer commercials that ran from the 70's to the 80's.
- A poster for a radio station called "Pish" parodies the band, Phish, which was popular in the 80's and early 90's.
- A poster depicting Bob Marley and reading "Rastaeari" parodies the Rastafari religion. Bob Marley was a famous figure, who died in 1981.