Clone High Wiki
As you know, Shell has been with us through the most pivotal moments of this semester.
- Joan of Arc

Shell Silverstein or often called "Shell" is Joan of Arc and JFK's pet tortoise, who is treated like a son to both of them. He first appeared in "Sexy-Ed", where Joan and JFK had a custody battle over him after breaking up.


In "Sexy-Ed", during Joan and JFK's breakup funeral, Joan introduces Shell and reassures the attendees that JFK and her will still continue to co-parent him. Frida Kahlo tried to console him by telling him that it's not his fault and his parents love him very much but Harriet Tubman bluntly adds that it was "not enough for them to stay together", which made Shell cry even more.

Inside the school hallways, Joan walks by to JFK's locker to receive her items and take care of Shell who is being held in a baby carrier by JFK. Then they both began to argue and JFK tells her that he won't give Shell and he'll see her in court, to which Joan replies that she'll get their son's custody. The court session takes place at the library with JFK having George Washington Carver as his representative and Sacagawea as Joan's representative. During court, Shell hides inside his tortoise shell when Joan and JFK continue to argue about him whether his species is being a turtle or tortoise, ultimately the talks prove useless as George Washington Carver and Sacagawea fall in love and make out. In the end, Joan takes Shell away after JFK suggests that they make out.

Joan and Shell are at a lake and are approached by Abe, Joan tells Abe that Shell doesn't know that he can't swim. Abe gives her some advice and Joan lets Shell swim and both talk for a while before Abe notices that Shell is drowning and saves him. Abe gives him back to Joan which makes her begin to have feelings for Abe again and tells Abe that she knows what she has to do. At school, JFK opens his locker and finds Shell inside it with a note from Joan, the note reads: "Dear JFK, Our Tortoise son needs his father. Raise him well. -Joan". JFK is ecstatic and grabs Shell with joy.

At Confucius and Harriet's party, JFK and Shell hang out with the Brontë sisters. One of them praises JFK for being an amazing turtle dad, but JFK corrects her by saying that he's a tortoise dad. When Joan vents her frustration at the pool, she is surprised by Shell who's swimming underwater with diving gear. JFK decided to give her Shell back and apologized for the breakup. Once he leaves, Joan hugs Shell. A female tortoise appears in the pool who is an eagle in disguise and seduces Shell who is eager to meet "her". Joan lets go of Shell so he can have his fun but once Shell gets close enough to smooch, the eagle drops its disguise and bites Shell's head. The eagle then flies away from the party with Shell in its mouth.


Shell Silverstein is a pale-skinned green tortoise with small beady black eyes and a little line for a mouth. He has a lumpy, bumpy olive brown-colored shell that is patterned with darker brown squares.


  • His name is a reference to the author Shel Silverstein, who made books like The Giving Tree, Where the Sidewalk Ends, A Light in the Attic, and The Missing Piece.
  • Shell's role is similar to Ponce de León. Both are characters that did not appear until their debut episode, and are treated in-universe as characters that have a deep connection to the main cast. Both characters also died in the same episode.

