Clone High Wiki
Ha ha, you like Abe, you like Abe!
- Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Freud was a student at Clone High High School and 16-year-old genetic clone of Austrian psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud. He first appeared in "Film Fest: Tears of a Clone".


Season 1[]

In "Film Fest: Tears of a Clone", Freud was the only person, who understood the metaphors and meaning behind Joan of Arc's symbolic short film, The Truth Wears Sideburns. Freud danced around jovially, announcing that Joan is in love with Abe, before angering her enough to make her body slam him with a chair.

In "Makeover Makeover Makeover: the Makeover Episode", he sat behind Abe in class, when he woke up from his bizarre dream about Joan and Cleo. Abe left the room, trying to find out the meaning behind his dream, completely snubbing Freud, the master of decoding that exact kind of thing.

Season 2[]

In "Anxious Times at Clone High", he is seen studying for the pre-midterms.

In "The Crown: Joancoming: It’s a Cleo, Cleo, Cleo, Cleo World", he observes the robed clones take the Homecoming votes to the teacher's lounge.

In "Some Talking but Mostly Songs", he is seen at The Grassy Knoll when Mops announces his Quiches and later leaves in disgust when Curly announces her Quiches.

In "Sexy-Ed" he comforts Genghis Khan as he cries during the funeral for Joan and JFK's relationship.

In "Clone Alone", he is part of the clones who lost the Death Maze and later tells Topher Bus to shut up with the rest of them. After Candide Sampson reveals that it was Joan of Arc who sabotaged them, Freud along with the other clones glare at her angrily.

Episode Appearances[]
