Clone High Wiki

The Grassy Knoll is a fast food, politically-themed restaurant the kids of Clone High hang out at. It is filled with artifacts and propaganda of American history such as the transcripts of the Declaration of Independence and the original but more graphic engraving of Lincoln's assassination at the Ford's Theatre. The restaurant is co-owned by the married couple, Mops and Curly.

In "Some Talking but Mostly Singing", The Grassy Knoll was destroyed in a fire, caused by Steve Kerr knocking over a bunch of oils into highly flammable materials with his helicopter, which set the whole place up in flames and killed Curly, inside.

In "Saved by the Knoll", The Grassy Knoll was rebuilt into a more modern restaurant after Cleopatra had conviced her former stepdad Mr. Big Corporation.


In "Escape to Beer Mountain: A Rope of Sand", Abe, Joan, and Gandhi went to The Grassy Knoll, where they watched Cleopatra and JFK drinking a smoothie together. Abe told JFK that he'd be getting beer for his upcoming party there, which is what convinced JFK to invite him.

In "Episode Two: Election Blu-Galoo", Abe and Joan sat at The Grassy Knoll, while they discussed Abe becoming the class president. Abe wondered what kinds of fears and insecurities were holding him back as he sat in front of a painting of the Original Abraham Lincoln being assassinated by John Wilkes Booth.

In "A.D.D.: the Last D is for Disorder", Abe sat with Cleo at The Grassy Knoll and when Gandhi came up, Cleo demanded that Abe ignore his own friend, which he reluctantly did. Gandhi sadly left The Grassy Knoll, where he was attacked by an angry mob, who hated him for his A.D.D..

In "Film Fest: Tears of a Clone", Abe looked around The Grassy Knoll for Joan when she left and even called for help from the sheriff to find her. When Abe finally found her, he told her to make a movie from the heart for an upcoming film festival.

In "Sleep of Faith: La Ru D'Awakening", Doug Prepcourse sat at the bar of The Grassy Knoll, drinking coffee and telling Abe, Joan, and Gandhi how important it is to get some sleep so that they can pass the extremely important upcoming PXJTs. Gandhi ignored him and was interested in dropping out of school and becoming a trucker.

In "Homecoming: A Shot in D'Arc", Joan sat with Abe at The Grassy Knoll and discussed how the former wanted to join the basketball team but they wouldn't let her on because she was a girl.

In "Plane Crazy: Gate Expectations", Abe, Joan, and Cleo sat at The Grassy Knoll and watched Spring Break Dance Academy on the TV, where Ashley Angel introduced Gandhi's new song "UR A G Old Flag".

In "A Room of One's Clone: The Pie of the Storm", Marie Antoinette worked the stand and offered The Grassy Knoll's new smoothie, The Jack Ruby Red Berry Blast. JFK made a bunch of sexual jokes about Marie's tits but his jokes were ruined by Gandhi, who was also trying to make sexual jokes. A fight broke out between JFK and Gandhi, which Abe tried and failed to resolve.

In "Sleepover", Candide gave Joan a value meal from The Grassy Knoll as food.

In "Some Talking but Mostly Songs", Joan and JFK went to The Grassy Knoll, where the owner, Mops offered up his flavorful quiche, which the customers preferred over his wife Curly's plain and generic quiche. Joan then had a live performance of Harriet's play, "Twister: The Game: The Musical" organized on the roof of the restaurant. This ended with Steve Kerr flying a helicopter and knocking over some lighter fluid into some fire and burning The Grassy Knoll down.

In "Saved by the Knoll", The Grassy Knoll was now a smoking pile of rubble and Joan was very sad about this, feeling nostalgia for the original Grassy Knoll, since she had so many memories there. As was pointed out by other people in the episode, not everything about The Grassy Knoll was great as tons of issues came from it, such as the food being extremely disgusting and causing most people who consumed it to get diseases such as dysentery and stomach poisoning. Nevertheless, Joan still tried to have the place rebuilt, only for the place to still get torn down by Mr. Big Corporation in the end. Fortunately for Joan, a second Grassy Knoll location was built somewhere else, this time with a completely different atmosphere and a mostly different menu but to her, it was all the same.

Episode Appearances[]


  • The place's name refers to The Grassy Knoll, the grassy area where assassin Lee Harvey Oswald was believed to have shot President John F. Kennedy in Dallas in 1963. However it is most commonly believed that Oswald shot President Kennedy from a building across the street from where the President's convoy was located.
  • On the roof, there's a presidential limousine with the real JFK's body hanging out of the car
  • Just outside of the Knoll, there's a flagstaff with the American flag at half-mast.
  • On the wall inside The Grassy Knoll, there is a very graphic and detailed photo of President Lincoln having his brains blown out by John Wilkes Booth.
  • One of the menu items at The Grassy Knoll is a smoothie called the "Jack Ruby Red Berry Blast", which is a reference to Jack Ruby shooting Lee Harvey Oswald after the latter's killing of President Kennedy.
  • In "Don't You Get It? Sports Are Huge in This Town", there was a Mexican version of The Grassy Knoll called "El Monticulo de Hierba".




