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“ | Principal Scudworth, if you were running this school properly there would be no riots only clone soldiers trained for superior intellectual and physical combat. | „ |
- The Shadowy Figure |
The Shadowy Figure is chief director of The Secret Board of Shadowy Figures and an antagonist of Clone High.
He is voiced by Bill Lawrence.
The Shadowy Figure runs The Secret Board of Shadowy Figures and various secretive operations on the sidelines. His main goal is to have the students of Clone High fully prepped to be used in military warfare. He however is not very hands-on about the procedure himself and has Principal Scudworth employed to oversee everything instead. He is rarely seen in person and only communicates with Scudworth via Skype call. The only times he appears in person is if the situation is urgent, such as in "Film Fest: Tears of a Clone", or "Changes: The Big Prom: The Sex Romp: The Season Finale", when he decided to kill Scudworth in person. The Shadowy Figure is unaware that Principal Scudworth is secretly planning to steal all the students of Clone High High School away from The Secret Board of Shadowy Figures and force them to work as attractions for a theme park called Cloney Island but he has his suspicions that he's up to something. So, he's hired many celebrities to go to Clone High High School and spy on him.
In "Escape to Beer Mountain: A Rope of Sand", he checks on Principal Scudworth and orders him to write a report on what is it like being a student on Clone High, when Scudworth refuses he threatens to kill him which makes Scudworth start working on his report. He startles Scudworth in his office after he returns from JFK's party asking where his report is, when Scudworth starts making excuses about his report the Shadowy Figure tells Mr. Butlertron to "lower the shades and wait on top". Finally Scudworth tells the Shadowy Figure his horrible experience with the teenagers, once he is finished the Shadowy Figure vanishes.
In "Episode Two: Election Blu-Galoo", he is having a meeting with Principal Scudworth and notices the scale model of Cloney Island. Scudworth deflects the question by asking where he got his "sweet PUMAs" to which the Shadowy Figure tells him that they were sponsored by PUMA and that they're catalogue only. When Scudworth asks him for 2 million dollars the Shadowy Figure tells him that he'll keep saying no until Scudworth turns off the screen.
In "Film Fest: Tears of a Clone", he's not happy about the Clones rioting. When Principal Scudworth begins monologuing about his plan to betray the Shadowy Board, the Shadowy Figure tells him that he is speaking with a normal indoor voice. He then tells Scudworth that they need to meet in person in his house and asks for no dairy. At Scudworth's house, the Shadowy Figure and other members of the Board are unamused by Scudworth's attempt at small talk but this changes when Mr. Butlertron arrives and are charmed by him. The Shadowy Figure then reveals to Scudworth that the Board was planning on killing him at dinner but they had such a wonderful time at his house that they're giving him another chance.
In "Sleep of Faith: La Ru D'Awakening", he thanks Principal Scudworth for helping the Board with their PXJT conspiracy.
In "A Room of One's Clone: The Pie of the Storm", he interrupts Principal Scudworth and Mr. B's dance and gifts Scudworth the Cybo-Pooch for going a full year without him plotting behind the Board's back. It is later revealed that the Cybo-Pooch was a spy sent to report any suspicious activity or evidence about Scudworth to the Board.
In "Makeover Makeover Makeover: the Makeover Episode", he contacts Principal Scudworth through video call and informs him that he found a video tape labled: "Cloney Island, My Plan To Steal The Clones Away From The Shadowy Board, The Movie" and informs Scudworth that the Board will take the Clones and terminate him on Prom night.
In "Changes: The Big Prom: The Sex Romp: The Season Finale", the Shadowy Figure holds a meeting with the Board, celebrities and conspirators. He tells them that the Clones will return home and commence Phase 2 and then laughs before stopping and asking everyone if they've gone to the bathroom as he doesn't want to pull over every five minutes.
The Shadowy Figure and the Board members arrive at Prom, informing everyone inside that "their collective asses belong to them" and burst through the main door preparing to take the clones and terminate Principal Scudworth before being interrupted by John Stamos, who tricks them by telling them that the Prom King (Scudworth) was about to start a conga line to which Scudworth agrees and tells them that they can't break up Prom without doing the traditional Prom King led conga line. The Shadowy Figure curses Scudworth for finding out his only weakness; a tight fast conga line, and quickly gets some punch. He joins the conga line to Flash Freezer, where he is frozen with his men and everybody else inside.
The Shadowy Figure sports a flattop buzz cut and is seen with the same blue paramilitary uniform as the rest of The Board but with an additional ribbon bar and medals, along with an aiguillette. He has a tall rigid physique and has been shown to be the tallest out of The Board members. Has a slightly dark skin tone.
The Shadowy Figure is shown to be a menacing yet deadpan individual who's very blunt and manipulative. He is a little home of tasteful. He threatens violence and uses his authority against others to get the point across frequently but his cold nature is just as effective.
Principal Scudworth[]
The Shadowy Figure supervises Principal Scudworth and sees how he runs Clone High. However, he has little to no respect for him, being well aware of Scudworth's mental instability and incompetence and even has the sneaking suspicion that he's up to something mischievous. His worries are justified as Scudworth is trying to steal the clones from Clone High and use them as attractions for his amusement park, against his wishes, unbeknownst to him. For the most part, The Shadowy Figure has shown him amnesty and has given him numerous chances to redeem himself, albeit sending in numerous undercover spies to the school to closer monitor his questionable behavior. In "Changes: The Big Prom: The Sex Romp: The Season Finale", The Shadowy Figure finally decides to terminate Scudworth and take the clones away from him for experimentation after finding out about Scudworth's videotape titled "Cloney Island: My Plan To Steal The Clones Away From The Shadowy Board: The Movie".
Mr. Butlertron[]
Unlike Principal Scudworth, The Shadowy Figure actually kind of likes Mr. Butlertron, finding him charming and amusing. In "Film Fest: Tears of a Clone", The Shadowy Figure went down to Scudworth's House to kill him but when Mr. Butlertron started entertaining him, he laughed so much he decided to let Scudworth live.
Episode Appearances[]
- Escape to Beer Mountain: A Rope of Sand
- Episode Two: Election Blu-Galoo
- Film Fest: Tears of a Clone
- Sleep of Faith: La Ru D'Awakening
- A Room of One's Clone: The Pie of the Storm
- Makeover Makeover Makeover: the Makeover Episode
- Changes: The Big Prom: The Sex Romp: The Season Finale
- His favorite restaurant is "Applebee's". This also explains why he does not like to go to Olive Garden when Scudworth politely asked him to come with.
- He is implied to be lactose intolerant. In "Film Fest: Tears of a Clone", when he plans his visit with Scudworth, he pleads him not to bring dairy.
- In "Changes: The Big Prom: The Sex Romp: The Season Finale", he confesses to Scudworth that his only weakness is a conga line.
- His fate and current whereabouts are unknown as he did not appeared in the flash freezer twenty years later and the Shadowy Board has been replaced with new members.