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Clone High Theme Song

A photo of the show's main cast from the theme song for Season One. From left to right: Mr. Butlertron, JFK, Cleopatra, Abe Lincoln, Joan of Arc, Gandhi, and Principal Scudworth (below).

The Theme Song plays at the start of every episode of the MTV animated TV show Clone High. The song was written for the show by Tommy Walter and performed by his band Abandoned Pools. The original song is three minutes long, but a condensed version is used for most episodes. The song belongs to the rock genre, specifically, the Midwest emo genre.


Season 1[]

The sequence starts with a minimally detailed wall of framed pictures of people. A screen reveals the show's logo (reading "Clone High", "MTV | Clone High" or "MTV | Clone High USA", depending on the release, but not in the Canadian release) and fills the frame. A narrator says to the viewers, "Tonight... on a very special Clone High". A narrated recap of the prior episode plays before the opening theme.

Inside a science textbook about cloning and DNA, a diagram of an eye is shown. The eye opens and its pupil transforms into a living diagram of a cell dividing into two cells. Transitioning through chemical compound symbols, we see The Secret Board of Shadowy Figures in a dramatically lit angle, decorated by U.S. flags and hexagons in the background. Cut to a 1986 photo of young Scudworth at a graveyard in the middle of the night, digging up the grave of Abraham Lincoln with Mr. Butlertron carrying a dead body in his arms. With math equations in the background, a strand of DNA is being pulled out of a corpse's nose. Zooming in through the DNA, multiple incubators full of cloned babies with umbilical cords can be seen in assembly lines.

One of the clones grows up to be present-day Abe Lincoln, who we see nude in the fetal position - multiple other clones are revealed to be grown in tubes. Fade to the present, where Gandhi, Cleopatra, Abe Lincoln, Joan of Arc and JFK are all in teen clothes standing next to a row of school lockers. They have all been labeled with their names. Julius Caesar walks across the frame and reveals a photo of JFK's crotch in a textbook, followed by a photo of Cleo's cleavage, then of Abe growing his armpit hair.

Abe, Cleo, Gandhi, JFK, Joan and Principal Scudworth are seen awkwardly posing in front of a blue curtain, with a second version of them making a different face behind them. These character shots have scenes from the show interspersed between them. A shot of Abe and Joan smiling at each-other in the rain is found in the textbook. Elsewhere on the same page, Cleo and JFK are French-kissing, while Joan sheds a single tear. The tear falls onto Abe's hand further down the page, after which he licks it. (Only on the TV version: A montage of scenes from the show. JFK, Abe, Joan and Cleo do the Hands of Sincerity.)

On a different page of the textbook, Cleo and JFK are kissing in front of Abe. Fade to a group shot of the main cast posing with Principal Scudworth and Mr. Butlertron in front of the school. The page moves away and reveals the Clone High title card (or "Clone High USA") on the book cover, with Joan and Abe letting go of each-other's hands superimposed over it. We move over to the credits, "Created by/Executive producers: Phil Lord & Christopher Miller, Bill Lawrence". [Only on the TV version: On various spots in the book, we see a picture of Joan and Abe hugging with the word "LOVE" zooming in, Principal Scudworth crying with the word "ANGST" zooming in, JFK yelling angrily with the word "DANGER" zooming in, and Gandhi making jazz hands with the word "SEXY" zooming in.]

Season 2[]

In season 2, a portion of the season 1 intro is seen through a TV screen in the dark, and then transitions through the TV and chemical compound symbols. We see Candide Sampson in the center of the frame. We see the graveyard photo of Scudworth and Mr. Butlertron but this time it's animated from the point of view of the photographer, until the picture is taken. With math equations in the background, a strand of DNA is being pulled out of a corpse's nose. Zooming in through the DNA, multiple incubators full of cloned babies with umbilical cords can be seen in assembly lines. We stop at an array of clones in tubes in the fetal position. The scene transitions to JFK and Joan in bed at prom night, with Cleo and Abe in front of them, as seen in "Changes: The Big Prom: The Sex Romp: The Season Finale". They all get frozen in place. The camera moves from the frame, revealing a set of 12 security camera feeds that Candide is watching, with different angles of the frozen students. All camera feeds glitch out into the U.S. Government seal. The screens are decorated with pipes that have various menacing snake eyes attached to them.

Clone High Season 2 title card

The title card for Season Two. From left-to-right: Candide Sampson, Harriet Tubman, Confucius, Frida Kahlo, Abe Lincoln, Joan of Arc, JFK, Cleopatra, Topher Bus. Below: Mr. Butlertron, and Principal Scudworth.

At a laboratory, a microscope gives us a peek at a sample labeled "CLONE HIGH". Inside the sample, a DNA strand cycles through attached images of Joan, Cleopatra, Abe and JFK attached - along with the new additions to the main cast, Frida Kahlo, Harriet Tubman, Confucius and Topher Bus. Via a syringe, a drop of the sample is placed under the microscope and we get a close-up of everyone. First, Harriet is rejecting Confucius (who is making the Hands of Sincerity). In another shot, the reverse is happening. Next, JFK is puckering up to kiss Joan but she looks unsure. Abe is nearby watching them and making the Hands of Sincerity. Next, Topher Bus is floating in the middle of the liquid, while Sacagewea and Van Gogh are back-to-back, and George Washington Carver is holding Peany in his hands. The syringe tries to suck up Topher Bus. Finally, we see Cleopatra and Frida reach for each-other, while they're being pulled away by some tweezers.

We move away from the microscope, and see 71 file folders with the names of all of the students of Clone High High School. Some of the names are blacked out. This ends on a folder stamped as "CLASSIFIED INFORMATION" with the logo "Clone High" attached, and a living photo of the main cast. A sticky note reads "Created by Phil Lord & Christopher Miller, Bill Lawrence". The final shot is a file folder labeled "Executive producers: Phil Lord & Christopher Miller, Bill Lawrence".


Condensed Version[]

Way, way back in the 1980's,
secret government employees
dug up famous guys and ladies
and made amusing genetic copies.
Now these clones are sexy teens now.
They're gonna make it if they try.
Loving, learning, sharing, judging.
A time to laugh and shiver and cry.
Clone High
Clone High

Original Version[]

Way, way, back in the 1980's
Secret government employees
Dug up famous guys and ladies
And made amusing genetic copies
Now the clones are sexy teens now
They're gonna make it if they try
Loving, learning, sharing, judging,
A time to laugh and shiver and cry.
Time to watch
Clone High
Energetic and engaging,
Clone High
Our angst is entertaining,
Clone High
Our lives are never boring,
Who am I?

There's a place that you can go to
And it's never very far
Famous people you can live through
If you don't know who you are
Why there's so much to live up to
Expectations are so high.
I'm not crying, it's my contacts
There must be something in my eye.
You all must watch
Clone High
Inspired and organic
Clone High
Possibly dramatic
Clone High
More fun than watching static
Where am I?
Clone High

Joan: "Yes Abe, I love y--"
Abe: "Shhh"
Mr. Butertron: "Where are my bitches?"
Joan: "You've changed, Abe"
Toots: "Now, I may be blind..."
Gandhi: "Best dudes forever, Abe?"
Abe: "Well I'll just leave you two alone, because it looks like you're about to DO IT anyway!"
JFK: "I'm a Kennedy! I'm not accustomed to tragedy!"

A time to laugh and shiver and cry.
A time to laugh and shiver and cry.
A time to laugh and shiver and cry.
I'll see you at
Clone High
I can't escape my name
Clone High
That's the price of fame
Clone High
Life is just a game
That's why
Clone High
U... S... A

Season 2 Version[]

Way, way, back in the 1980's
Secret government employees
Dug up famous guys and ladies
And made amusing genetic copies
Then the clones as teens were frozen
Thawed out decades later, why?
Back for reasons they're not disclosing
Giving high school another try
It's time to watch
Clone High
Energetic and engaging
Clone High
Our angst is entertaining
Clone High

Altered Versions[]

  • Litter Kills: Litterally - The theme song was replaced with a more dramatic-sounding cover. The singer was replaced with a female singer, and the instrumentals were replaced with dramatic piano music.
  • Snowflake Day: A Very Special Holiday Special - A subtle alteration was made to the song, in order to adapt to the holiday feel. It now contained some more Christmas-y instrumentals, on top of it's original ones.
  • Anxious Times at Clone High - The screen turns black and white in the middle and the song suddenly gets really slow and creepy, giving the whole episode a horror movie feel.
  • The Crown: Joancoming: It’s a Cleo, Cleo, Cleo, Cleo World - The theme song is played in a marching band orchestra.
  • Sexy-Ed - The song was now played on a sexy saxophone and the intro was projected through a pink and sparkly filter.

