Clone High Wiki
Clone High Wiki
Sometimes, I just turn the lights off in my room and cry.
- Van Gogh

Vincent Van Gogh is a student at Clone High High School and 16-year-old genetic clone of Dutch painter, Vincent Willem van Gogh and is a recurring background character on the show. He first appeared in Escape to Beer Mountain: A Rope of Sand.

He was voiced by Andy Dick in Season One and by Will Forte in Season Two, onwards.


Season 1

In "Escape to Beer Mountain: a Rope of Sand" he calls the teen crisis hotline about his emotional struggles but is humiliated by Gandhi on the other line who is at a party.

Later during the party, Joan pantses Gandhi and steals his boxers leaving his private parts exposed. Although Gandhi thinks that no one was around to see it, Van Gogh witnesses it in the bushes, and says "Yes, no one indeed." with an evil grin.

At the end of the episode during school, he gets his revenge on Gandhi by painting a mural for the Teen Crisis Hotline that looks like the original Van Gogh's famous painting The Starry Night except with a picture of Gandhi with his pants down saying "no problem too small", insinuating that Gandhi has a small penis.

In "Film Fest: Tears of a Clone", he is first seen running right in front of Abe during the cross country meet. Van Gogh is also at the front of the angry mob, and yells "Stupid stop sign!" before yanking it out of the ground and breaking the library's windows with it.

In "Sleep of Faith: La Ru D'Awakening", Van Gogh appears in background shots as one of the many students shown taking the PXJT.

In "Homecoming: A Shot in D'Arc", he is shown watching the basketball game, and is later hopping around and cheering with the basketball team when Abe helps them score a point by Abe convincing Joan to shoot the free throw(s).

At the beginning of "Raisin the Stakes: A Rock Opera in Three Acts", Van Gogh is seen singing with the other characters, hanging outside a window smiling.

In "Changes: The Big Prom: the Sex Romp: the Season Finale", Van Gogh is amongst those who Gandhi recruits in his prom posse, and is briefly seen during the conga line. Also, in a blink-and-miss it moment, he is behind Julius Caesar before the Board members pop up in the meat locker.

Season 2

In “Let's Try This Again”, Van Gogh is seen walking with Julius Caesar during the mile walk in someone else’s shoes, and he is also seen dropping a soda bottle in shock due to Abe’s comments about the word “gay”.

In “Anxious Times at Clone High”, Van Gogh is briefly seen reading a book anxiously.

In “The Crown: Joancoming: It’s a Cleo, Cleo, Cleo, Cleo World”, Van Gogh is seen placing his votes for homecoming king and queen, he also is one of those enslaved by Cleo with her crown, he also gets run over by a parade float while hypnotized.

In “Some Talking But Mostly Songs”, Van Gogh helps out with Harriet’s play as a stagehand. He goes flying off when Cleo, George Washington Carver, Sacagawea, and Confucius enter the theater with “White Guy Confidence”. When the large hourglass falls over, the background dancers scatter to avoid getting hit, making George fall on Van Gogh. This makes him complain about George landing on his bad ear and threw the first punch, that resulted in a large fight.

In “Spring Broken”, Van Gogh is seen kissing Anne Boleyn for a split second in the background. He also falls on a cactus when the bus crashes, that cactus also crushes him when he tries to escape.

In "Sexy-Ed" he is seen multiple times talking with Jesús Cristo.

In "Clone Alone" he falls when running to the entrance of the Death Maze and is trampled by the other clones. He is also the first clone to "die" A.K.A go to the Memory Eraser Ray room.

Season 3

In “Blinded With Pseudoscience: Magnetic Distractions”, Van Gogh is one of the Bleacher Creatures that asked Joan of Arc to join them, he states they are very litigious. He is later seen being shoved in a toilet by JFK. He also helps Topher Bus and the rest of the Bleacher Creatures decide on a logo for them (he states that one of the logos blends into the bricks). At the end of the episode he goes over to help Principal Scudworth (who fell over) and tells him that he likes his ear piercing and states it’s “cool” (probably due to the fact his clone father cut his off).

In “Don't You Get It? Sports Are Huge in This Town”, Van Gogh is seen trying to pick up a Pom Pom to try out for cheerleading but he is too weak to pick it up. He is also thrown in the air by Genghis Khan but Joan of Arc catches him.

In “Bible Humpers: A Much Needed Praycation“, Van Gogh is seen cheering for JFK as he gulps down a keg of beer. A few moments later he is seen making out with Susan B. Anthony in the background, though he has to stand on her leg to be able to kiss her. Susan B. Anthony also gives him a piggie-back ride. During JFK’s rager montage he is seen dancing around with a gnome for a few seconds and drawing a penis on Catherine the Great and Julius Caesar while they're asleep. Later in the episode, Cleopatra trips him over but then compliments his hair to show Harriet Tubman she should join the Prayer Pals. Abe Lincoln also hires him to paint a picture of him and JFK for their Boynniversary

In “The Principal Principle: Sub Zero to Sub Hero”, Van Gogh is part of the group of clones who come to Joan's rager. Later when the Bleacher Creatures attack, he is attacked by a snake.

In “Go Yell It on the Mountain: Snow Way Out” he has a short cameo of his getting out of his car and getting on the bus. Towards the end of the episode, after Mr. Butlertron’s evil outbreak, he can be seen climbing out of the toilet where he was hiding. When they all return to the school, there is a scene of him returning to his foster dads.

In “Grave Mistakes: The Virgin Homicides” he states that he isn't a virgin but he's bad at sex.

In “Cyranos: A Portmant-Opus” he is in the background with his foster dads for the parent teacher conference. Later on he's seen in the background of the mall eating French fries sadly. In a later scene, he is eating ice-cream but Cleopatra trips him and he falls face first onto the ice-cream.

In “The Cloniest Place on Earth: Missile While You Work” he is trapped inside a replica of his room. At the end of the episode when the Bleacher Creatures get back together he is asleep on a baby carrier being carried by Jackie the Ripper after he ate one of the poisoned churros.


Van Gogh is seemingly one of the shortest students at Clone High, and is a bit thin. He has short, red hair and orange lines on his chin for a beard. He wears a big white bandage around his head, seeming to reference the ear that the original lost. He wears a blue jacket, a yellow undershirt, grey pants, and black shoes.


Van Gogh is the "depressed kid" of the school. He suffers from depression and is misunderstood just like the original Van Gogh but Clone High uses this to for comedic relief. Unlike most students at Clone High he actually is as talented at painting as his clone father, as shown in Escape to Beer Mountain: A Rope of Sand, in which he paints Gandhi naked to humiliate him. He is not very popular and couldn't get a prom date, and ended up going with Gandhi's "Prom Posse".



In "Escape to Beer Mountain: A Rope of Sand", Van Gogh emptied his emotional baggage over the Teen Crisis Hotline, while Gandhi put him on speaker at a public party, so that everyone could mock and laugh at him. Deeply offended and hurt, Van Gogh swore revenge and got it when he caught Gandhi literally with his pants down as he hides in the bushes. The next day, he painted a wall-sized mural of Gandhi nude on the side of the school to promote the Teen Crisis Hotline to embarrass Gandhi. Despite their adversarial relationship, in "Changes: The Big Prom: The Sex Romp: The Season Finale", he was part of Gandhi's prom posse, composed of all the boys who didn't have a date to winter prom. They were able to bond and develop a friendship over how neither of them could get a girlfriend.


Cleopatra always bullies Van Gogh, seemingly for no reason other than him being a so-called "dork". In "Saved by the Knoll", she chucked an Açaí Bowl at him, when he was just minding his own business and eating alone at The Grassy Knoll. In "Bible Humpers: A Much Needed Praycation", she tripped him in the gym but because Cleo was religious at the time, she also told him that she had nice hair so that her good deed would cancel out her bad deed. Van Gogh smiled when she gave him this compliment. In "Cyranos: A Portmant-Opus", Cleo was forced by Harriet to have a conversation with Van Gogh. Cleo struggled to say something nice or even neutral to Van Gogh and just ended up insulting him for his pale skin and short stature. She later tripped him again and made him fall face flat in his own ice cream.

Episode Appearances

Songs used with Van Gogh


  • His bedroom looks identical to the Bedroom in Arles painting by the original Van Gogh.
  • If you look closely at the bedroom scene, you can see that the view through the window is the painting Starry Night by the original Van Gogh.
  • Van Gogh sitting on the chair in his room is a reference to the painting At Eternity’s gate by the original Van Gogh.
  • The bandage on his head is a reference of the original Van Gogh chopped off his ear during a breakdown.
  • Interestingly, Van Gogh's phone in Escape to Beer Mountain changes model mid-scene. It starts off as a more retro design at first before switching to a more modern model after Gandhi's bit.
  • He is a very short person, likely a joke about how the Dutch are usually taller than average height.
  • Despite Van Gogh being introduced as a member of the Bleacher Creatures, he is only shown alongside them during Blinded With Pseudoscience: Magnetic Distractions and The Cloniest Place on Earth: Missile While You Work. He is otherwise shown socializing with other students, participating in social events the group is excluded from, and even falls victim to one of the group's revenge schemes against the partygoers in The Principal Principle: Sub Zero to Sub Hero.
    • He is also as accepting to Joan and does not show a disliking towards her when she meets the Bleacher Creatures despite appearing to be as angry at Joan with the others in Clone Alone.


Van Gogh/Gallery
