White Guy Confidence is a song sing by Frida Kahlo, with some light backup from Abe Lincoln in "Some Talking but Mostly Songs". It is a political anti-white song, where she elaborated to Cleopatra, Confucius, George Washington Carver, and Sacagawea, about how Abe managed to carry an unearned sense of self-worth on account of being Caucasian.
Frida: You can be dangerously under-qualified,
Yet think you fit the bill,
Cuz you're the Michael Jordan of overestimating your skill.
Your name is maybe Josh, Cody, Stewart, Todd, or Chad.
You think you're an expert in something cuz you heard it on a podcast.
You never say you're sorry.
Never admit that you're wrong.
You can't carry a tune, yet you consist on singing the-
Nailed it!
Frida: Cuz you got that,
White guy confidence,
That comes with lower levels of melanin.
A life of systemic structural advantages,
Can make you think you're amazing when you're average,
And you can take credit when no credit is due,
Cuz with white guy confidence,
The world belongs to-
Abe: Yoooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!